ICD 10 PCS Index - Letter T
Tagraxofusp-erzs Antineoplastic ( XW0 )
Talent(R) Converter use Intraluminal Device
Talent(R) Occluder use Intraluminal Device
Talent(R) Stent Graft (abdominal)(thoracic) use Intraluminal Device
TandemHeart(R) System use Short-term External Heart Assist System in Heart and Great Vessels
Tarsorrhaphy see Repair, Eye ( 08Q )
TAXUS(R) Liberte(R) Paclitaxel-eluting Coronary Stent System use Intraluminal Device, Drug-eluting in Heart and Great Vessels
TECENTRIQ(R) use Atezolizumab Antineoplastic
Temporal lobe use Cerebral Hemisphere
Temporalis muscle use Head Muscle
Temporoparietalis muscle use Head Muscle
Tendolysis see Release, Tendons ( 0LN )
Tendorrhaphy see Repair, Tendons ( 0LQ )
Tenolysis see Release, Tendons ( 0LN )
Tenontorrhaphy see Repair, Tendons ( 0LQ )
Tenorrhaphy see Repair, Tendons ( 0LQ )
Tensor veli palatini muscle use Tongue, Palate, Pharynx Muscle
Tenth cranial nerve use Vagus Nerve
Tentorium cerebelli use Dura Mater
Testicular artery use Abdominal Aorta
Thalamectomy see Excision, Thalamus ( 00B9 )
Thalamotomy see Drainage, Thalamus ( 0099 )
Therapeutic occlusion coil(s) use Intraluminal Device
Thermography ICD 10 PCS is 4A0ZXKZ.
Thermotherapy, prostate see Destruction, Prostate ( 0V50 )
Third cranial nerve use Oculomotor Nerve
Third occipital nerve use Cervical Nerve
Third ventricle use Cerebral Ventricle
Thoracectomy see Excision, Anatomical Regions, General ( 0WB )
Thoracentesis see Drainage, Anatomical Regions, General ( 0W9 )
Thoracic aortic plexus use Thoracic Sympathetic Nerve
Thoracic esophagus use Esophagus, Middle
Thoracic facet joint use Thoracic Vertebral Joint
Thoracic ganglion use Thoracic Sympathetic Nerve
Thoracocentesis see Drainage, Anatomical Regions, General ( 0W9 )
Thoracolumbar facet joint use Thoracolumbar Vertebral Joint
Thoracostomy tube use Drainage Device
Thoracostomy, for lung collapse see Drainage, Respiratory System ( 0B9 )
Thoracotomy see Drainage, Anatomical Regions, General ( 0W9 )
Thoratec IVAD (Implantable Ventricular Assist Device) use Implantable Heart Assist System in Heart and Great Vessels
Thoratec Paracorporeal Ventricular Assist Device use Short-term External Heart Assist System in Heart and Great Vessels
Thrombectomy see Extirpation
Thrombolysis, Ultrasound assisted see Fragmentation, Artery
Thymus gland use Thymus
Thyroid cartilage use Larynx
Thyroidorrhaphy see Repair, Endocrine System ( 0GQ )
Thyroidoscopy ICD 10 PCS is 0GJK4ZZ.
Thyroidotomy see Drainage, Endocrine System ( 0G9 )
Tibial insert use Liner in Lower Joints
Tisagenlecleucel use Engineered Autologous Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Immunotherapy
Tissue bank graft use Nonautologous Tissue Substitute
Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA)(r-tPA) use Other Thrombolytic
Tocilizumab ( XW0 )
Tomography, computerized see Computerized Tomography (CT Scan)
Tongue, base of use Pharynx
Tonsillotomy see Drainage, Mouth and Throat ( 0C9 )
Total artificial (replacement) heart use Synthetic Substitute
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) see Introduction of Nutritional Substance
Tracheloplasty see Repair, Cervix ( 0UQC )
Trachelorrhaphy see Repair, Cervix ( 0UQC )
Trachelotomy see Drainage, Cervix ( 0U9C )
Tracheobronchial lymph node use Lymphatic, Thorax
Tracheolysis see Release, Respiratory System ( 0BN )
Tracheorrhaphy see Repair, Respiratory System ( 0BQ )
Tracheoscopy ICD 10 PCS is 0BJ18ZZ.
Tracheostomy see Bypass, Respiratory System ( 0B1 )
Tracheostomy tube use Tracheostomy Device in Respiratory System
Tracheotomy see Drainage, Respiratory System ( 0B9 )
Tractotomy see Division, Central Nervous System and Cranial Nerves ( 008 )
Training, caregiver see Caregiver Training
Transection see Division
Transplant see Transplantation
Transversalis fascia use Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia, Trunk
Transverse (cutaneous) cervical nerve use Cervical Plexus
Transverse foramen use Cervical Vertebra
Transverse ligament of atlas use Head and Neck Bursa and Ligament
Tricuspid annulus use Tricuspid Valve
Trifacial nerve use Trigeminal Nerve
Trifecta(tm) Valve (aortic) use Zooplastic Tissue in Heart and Great Vessels
Trigone of bladder use Bladder
Trimming, excisional see Excision
TUNA (transurethral needle ablation of prostate) ICD 10 PCS is 0V507ZZ.
Tunneled central venous catheter use Vascular Access Device, Tunneled in Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia
Tunneled spinal (intrathecal) catheter use Infusion Device
Twelfth cranial nerve use Hypoglossal Nerve
Two lead pacemaker use Pacemaker, Dual Chamber in ( 0JH )
Tympanic nerve use Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Tympanogram see Hearing Assessment, Diagnostic Audiology ( F13 )
Tympanosympathectomy see Excision, Nerve, Head and Neck Sympathetic ( 01BK )
Tympanotomy see Drainage, Ear, Nose, Sinus ( 099 )
TYRX Antibacterial Envelope use Anti-Infective Envelope