ICD 10 PCS Index - Letter S
S-ICD(tm) lead use Subcutaneous Defibrillator Lead in Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia
Sacral ganglion use Sacral Sympathetic Nerve
Sacral lymph node use Lymphatic, Pelvis
Sacral nerve modulation (SNM) lead use Stimulator Lead in Urinary System
Sacral neuromodulation lead use Stimulator Lead in Urinary System
Sacral splanchnic nerve use Sacral Sympathetic Nerve
Sacrectomy see Excision, Lower Bones ( 0QB )
Sacrococcygeal ligament use Lower Spine Bursa and Ligament
Sacrococcygeal symphysis use Sacrococcygeal Joint
Sacroiliac ligament use Lower Spine Bursa and Ligament
Sacrospinous ligament use Lower Spine Bursa and Ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament use Lower Spine Bursa and Ligament
Salpingolysis see Release, Female Reproductive System ( 0UN )
Salpingopharyngeus muscle use Tongue, Palate, Pharynx Muscle
Salpingorrhaphy see Repair, Female Reproductive System ( 0UQ )
Salpingoscopy ICD 10 PCS is 0UJ88ZZ.
Salpingostomy see Drainage, Female Reproductive System ( 0U9 )
Salpingotomy see Drainage, Female Reproductive System ( 0U9 )
Saphenous nerve use Femoral Nerve
SAPIEN transcatheter aortic valve use Zooplastic Tissue in Heart and Great Vessels
Scarpa's (vestibular) ganglion use Acoustic Nerve
Sclerectomy see Excision, Eye ( 08B )
Sclerotherapy, mechanical see Destruction
Sclerotherapy, via injection of sclerosing agent see Introduction, Destructive Agent
Sclerotomy see Drainage, Eye ( 089 )
Scrotorrhaphy see Repair, Male Reproductive System ( 0VQ )
Scrototomy see Drainage, Male Reproductive System ( 0V9 )
Sebaceous gland use Skin
Second cranial nerve use Optic Nerve
Section, cesarean see Extraction, Pregnancy ( 10D )
Secura (DR) (VR) use Defibrillator Generator in ( 0JH )
Sella turcica use Sphenoid Bone
Sentinel (tm) Cerebral Protection System (CPS) ICD 10 PCS is X2A5312.
Seprafilm use Adhesion Barrier
Septal cartilage use Nasal Septum
Septotomy see Drainage, Ear, Nose, Sinus ( 099 )
Sequestrectomy, bone see Extirpation
Seventh cranial nerve use Facial Nerve
Shock Wave Therapy, Musculoskeletal ( 6A93 )
Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy (Shockwave IVL) see Fragmentation
Short gastric artery use Splenic Artery
Shunt creation see Bypass
Sialography see Plain Radiography, Ear, Nose, Mouth and Throat ( B90 )
Sialolithotomy see Extirpation, Mouth and Throat ( 0CC )
Sigmoid artery use Inferior Mesenteric Artery
Sigmoid flexure use Sigmoid Colon
Sigmoid vein use Inferior Mesenteric Vein
Sigmoidorrhaphy see Repair, Gastrointestinal System ( 0DQ )
Sigmoidoscopy ICD 10 PCS is 0DJD8ZZ.
Sigmoidotomy see Drainage, Gastrointestinal System ( 0D9 )
Single lead pacemaker (atrium)(ventricle) use Pacemaker, Single Chamber in ( 0JH )
Single lead rate responsive pacemaker (atrium)(ventricle) use Pacemaker, Single Chamber Rate Responsive in ( 0JH )
Sinoatrial node use Conduction Mechanism
Sinus venosus use Atrium, Right
Sinusoscopy ICD 10 PCS is 09JY4ZZ.
Sinusotomy see Drainage, Ear, Nose, Sinus ( 099 )
Sirolimus-eluting coronary stent use Intraluminal Device, Drug-eluting in Heart and Great Vessels
Sixth cranial nerve use Abducens Nerve
Size reduction, breast see Excision, Skin and Breast ( 0HB )
SJM Biocor(R) Stented Valve System use Zooplastic Tissue in Heart and Great Vessels
Skene's (paraurethral) gland use Vestibular Gland
Skin Substitute, Porcine Liver Derived, Replacement ICD 10 PCS is XHRPXL2.
Small bowel series see Fluoroscopy, Bowel, Small ( BD13 )
Snapshot_NIR ICD 10 PCS is 8E02XDZ.
Snaring, polyp, colon see Excision, Gastrointestinal System ( 0DB )
Solar (celiac) plexus use Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve
Soliris(R) use Eculizumab
Spacer, Articulating (Antibiotic) use Articulating Spacer in Lower Joints
Spacer, Static (Antibiotic) use Spacer in Lower Joints
Speech Assessment ( F00 )
Speech therapy see Speech Treatment, Rehabilitation ( F06 )
Speech Treatment ( F06 )
Sphenoidotomy see Drainage, Ear, Nose, Sinus ( 099 )
Sphenomandibular ligament use Head and Neck Bursa and Ligament
Sphenopalatine (pterygopalatine) ganglion use Head and Neck Sympathetic Nerve
Sphincterorrhaphy, anal see Repair, Anal Sphincter ( 0DQR )
Spinal cord neurostimulator lead use Neurostimulator Lead in Central Nervous System and Cranial Nerves
Spinal growth rods, magnetically controlled use Magnetically Controlled Growth Rod(s) in New Technology
Spinal nerve, cervical use Cervical Nerve
Spinal nerve, lumbar use Lumbar Nerve
Spinal nerve, sacral use Sacral Nerve
Spinal nerve, thoracic use Thoracic Nerve
SpineJack(R) system use Synthetic Substitute, Mechanically Expandable (Paired) in New Technology
Spiral ganglion use Acoustic Nerve
Spiration IBV(tm) Valve System use Intraluminal Device, Endobronchial Valve in Respiratory System
Splenic flexure use Transverse Colon
Splenic plexus use Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve
Splenius capitis muscle use Head Muscle
Splenolysis see Release, Lymphatic and Hemic Systems ( 07N )
Splenoplasty see Repair, Lymphatic and Hemic Systems ( 07Q )
Splenorrhaphy see Repair, Lymphatic and Hemic Systems ( 07Q )
Splenotomy see Drainage, Lymphatic and Hemic Systems ( 079 )
Splinting, musculoskeletal see Immobilization, Anatomical Regions ( 2W3 )
SPRAVATO(tm) use Esketamine Hydrochloride
SPY system intraoperative fluorescence cholangiography see Other Imaging, Hepatobiliary System and Pancreas ( BF5 )
SPY system intravascular fluorescence angiography see Monitoring, Physiological Systems ( 4A1 )
Stapediolysis see Release, Ear, Nose, Sinus ( 09N )
Stapedotomy see Drainage, Ear, Nose, Sinus ( 099 )
Static Spacer (Antibiotic) use Spacer in Lower Joints
STELARA(R) use Other New Technology Therapeutic Substance
Stellate ganglion use Head and Neck Sympathetic Nerve
Stem cell transplant see Transfusion, Circulatory ( 302 )
Stent retriever thrombectomy see Extirpation, Upper Arteries ( 03C )
Stent, intraluminal (cardiovascular)(gastrointestinal)(hepatobiliary)(urinary) use Intraluminal Device
Stented tissue valve use Zooplastic Tissue in Heart and Great Vessels
Sternocostal ligament use Sternum Bursa and Ligament
Stomatorrhaphy see Repair, Mouth and Throat ( 0CQ )
Stratos LV use Cardiac Resynchronization Pacemaker Pulse Generator in ( 0JH )
Stripping see Extraction
Styloglossus muscle use Tongue, Palate, Pharynx Muscle
Stylomandibular ligament use Head and Neck Bursa and Ligament
Stylopharyngeus muscle use Tongue, Palate, Pharynx Muscle
Subaortic (common iliac) lymph node use Lymphatic, Pelvis
Subarachnoid space, spinal use Spinal Canal
Subclavius nerve use Brachial Plexus
Subcostal artery use Upper Artery
Subcostal nerve use Thoracic Nerve
Subcutaneous injection reservoir, port use Vascular Access Device, Totally Implantable in Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia
Subcutaneous injection reservoir, pump use Infusion Device, Pump in Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia
Subdermal progesterone implant use Contraceptive Device in Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia
Subdural space, spinal use Spinal Canal
Submandibular lymph node use Lymphatic, Head
Submandibular space use Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia, Face
Submaxillary ganglion use Head and Neck Sympathetic Nerve
Submaxillary lymph node use Lymphatic, Head
Submental artery use Face Artery
Submental lymph node use Lymphatic, Head
Submucous (Meissner's) plexus use Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve
Suboccipital nerve use Cervical Nerve
Subparotid lymph node use Lymphatic, Head
Substantia nigra use Basal Ganglia
Subthalamic nucleus use Basal Ganglia
Suction curettage (D&C), nonobstetric see Extraction, Endometrium ( 0UDB )
Suction curettage, obstetric post-delivery see Extraction, Products of Conception, Retained ( 10D1 )
Superficial transverse perineal muscle use Perineum Muscle
Superior cardiac nerve use Thoracic Sympathetic Nerve
Superior cerebellar vein use Intracranial Vein
Superior cerebral vein use Intracranial Vein
Superior clunic (cluneal) nerve use Lumbar Nerve
Superior gluteal nerve use Lumbar Plexus
Superior hypogastric plexus use Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve
Superior labial artery use Face Artery
Superior laryngeal nerve use Vagus Nerve
Superior longitudinal muscle use Tongue, Palate, Pharynx Muscle
Superior mesenteric ganglion use Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve
Superior mesenteric lymph node use Lymphatic, Mesenteric
Superior mesenteric plexus use Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve
Superior olivary nucleus use Pons
Superior rectal artery use Inferior Mesenteric Artery
Superior rectal vein use Inferior Mesenteric Vein
Superior turbinate use Nasal Turbinate
Supraclavicular nerve use Cervical Plexus
Suprahyoid lymph node use Lymphatic, Head
Suprainguinal lymph node use Lymphatic, Pelvis
Suprarenal plexus use Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve
Suprascapular nerve use Brachial Plexus
Suprasternal notch use Sternum
Surpass Streamline(tm) Flow Diverter use Intraluminal Device, Flow Diverter in ( 03V )
Sutureless valve, Perceval use Zooplastic Tissue, Rapid Deployment Technique in New Technology
Sweat gland use Skin
Sympathectomy see Excision, Peripheral Nervous System ( 01B )
SynCardia Total Artificial Heart use Synthetic Substitute
Synchra CRT-P use Cardiac Resynchronization Pacemaker Pulse Generator in ( 0JH )
SynchroMed pump use Infusion Device, Pump in Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia
Synechiotomy, iris see Release, Eye ( 08N )
Synthetic Human Angiotensin II ( XW0 )