ICD 10 PCS Index: Resection
- Acetabulum
- Adenoids ( 0CTQ )
- Ampulla of Vater ( 0FTC )
- Anal Sphincter ( 0DTR )
- Anus ( 0DTQ )
- Aortic Body ( 0GTD )
- Appendix ( 0DTJ )
- Auditory Ossicle
- Bladder ( 0TTB )
- Bladder Neck ( 0TTC )
- Bone
- Ethmoid
- Frontal 0NT10ZZ
- Hyoid 0NTX0ZZ
- Lacrimal
- Nasal 0NTB0ZZ
- Occipital 0NT70ZZ
- Palatine
- Parietal
- Pelvic
- Sphenoid 0NTC0ZZ
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Breast
- Bronchus
- Bursa and Ligament
- Abdomen
- Ankle
- Elbow
- Foot
- Hand
- Head and Neck 0MT0
- Hip
- Knee
- Lower Extremity
- Perineum 0MTK
- Rib(s) 0MTG
- Shoulder
- Spine
- Sternum 0MTF
- Upper Extremity
- Wrist
- Carina ( 0BT2 )
- Carotid Bodies, Bilateral ( 0GT8 )
- Carotid Body
- Carpal
- Cecum ( 0DTH )
- Cerebral Hemisphere ( 00T7 )
- Cervix ( 0UTC )
- Chordae Tendineae ( 02T9 )
- Cisterna Chyli ( 07TL )
- Clavicle
- Clitoris ( 0UTJ )
- Coccygeal Glomus ( 0GTB )
- Coccyx 0QTS0ZZ
- Colon
- Conduction Mechanism ( 02T8 )
- Cord
- Cornea
- Cul-de-sac ( 0UTF )
- Diaphragm ( 0BTT )
- Disc
- Cervical Vertebral 0RT30ZZ
- Cervicothoracic Vertebral 0RT50ZZ
- Lumbar Vertebral 0ST20ZZ
- Lumbosacral 0ST40ZZ
- Thoracic Vertebral 0RT90ZZ
- Thoracolumbar Vertebral 0RTB0ZZ
- Duct
- Duodenum ( 0DT9 )
- Ear
- Epididymis
- Epiglottis ( 0CTR )
- Esophagogastric Junction ( 0DT4 )
- Esophagus ( 0DT5 )
- Eustachian Tube
- Eye
- Eyelid
- Fallopian Tube
- Fallopian Tubes, Bilateral ( 0UT7 )
- Femoral Shaft
- Femur
- Fibula
- Finger Nail 0HTQXZZ
- Gallbladder ( 0FT4 )
- Gland
- Glenoid Cavity
- Glomus Jugulare ( 0GTC )
- Humeral Head
- Humeral Shaft
- Hymen ( 0UTK )
- Ileocecal Valve ( 0DTC )
- Ileum ( 0DTB )
- Intestine
- Iris
- Jejunum ( 0DTA )
- Joint
- Acromioclavicular
- Ankle
- Carpal
- Carpometacarpal
- Cervicothoracic Vertebral 0RT40ZZ
- Coccygeal 0ST60ZZ
- Elbow
- Finger Phalangeal
- Hip
- Knee
- Metacarpophalangeal
- Metatarsal-Phalangeal
- Sacrococcygeal 0ST50ZZ
- Sacroiliac
- Shoulder
- Sternoclavicular
- Tarsal
- Tarsometatarsal
- Temporomandibular
- Toe Phalangeal
- Wrist
- Kidney
- Kidney Pelvis
- Kidneys, Bilateral ( 0TT2 )
- Larynx ( 0CTS )
- Lens
- Lip
- Liver ( 0FT0 )
- Lung
- Lung Lingula ( 0BTH )
- Lymphatic
- Aortic 07TD
- Axillary
- Head 07T0
- Inguinal
- Internal Mammary
- Lower Extremity
- Mesenteric 07TB
- Neck
- Pelvis 07TC
- Thoracic Duct 07TK
- Thorax 07T7
- Upper Extremity
- Mandible
- Maxilla 0NTR0ZZ
- Metacarpal
- Metatarsal
- Muscle
- Abdomen
- Extraocular
- Facial 0KT1
- Foot
- Hand
- Head 0KT0
- Hip
- Lower Arm and Wrist
- Lower Leg
- Neck
- Papillary 02TD
- Perineum 0KTM
- Shoulder
- Thorax
- Tongue, Palate, Pharynx 0KT4
- Trunk
- Upper Arm
- Upper Leg
- Nasal Mucosa and Soft Tissue ( 09TK )
- Nasopharynx ( 09TN )
- Nipple
- Omentum ( 0DTU )
- Orbit
- Ovary
- Palate
- Pancreas ( 0FTG )
- Para-aortic Body ( 0GT9 )
- Paraganglion Extremity ( 0GTF )
- Parathyroid Gland ( 0GTR )
- Patella
- Penis ( 0VTS )
- Pericardium ( 02TN )
- Phalanx
- Pharynx ( 0CTM )
- Pineal Body ( 0GT1 )
- Prepuce ( 0VTT )
- Products of Conception, Ectopic ( 10T2 )
- Prostate ( 0VT0 )
- Radius
- Rectum ( 0DTP )
- Ribs
- Scapula
- Scrotum ( 0VT5 )
- Septum
- Sinus
- Accessory 09TP
- Ethmoid
- Frontal
- Mastoid
- Maxillary
- Sphenoid
- Spleen ( 07TP )
- Sternum 0PT00ZZ
- Stomach ( 0DT6 )
- Pylorus 0DT7
- Tarsal
- Tendon
- Abdomen
- Ankle
- Foot
- Hand
- Head and Neck 0LT0
- Hip
- Knee
- Lower Arm and Wrist
- Lower Leg
- Perineum 0LTH
- Shoulder
- Thorax
- Trunk
- Upper Arm
- Upper Leg
- Testis
- Thymus ( 07TM )
- Thyroid Gland ( 0GTK )
- Thyroid Gland Isthmus ( 0GTJ )
- Tibia
- Toe Nail 0HTRXZZ
- Tongue ( 0CT7 )
- Tonsils ( 0CTP )
- Tooth
- Trachea ( 0BT1 )
- Tunica Vaginalis
- Turbinate, Nasal ( 09TL )
- Tympanic Membrane
- Ulna
- Ureter
- Urethra ( 0TTD )
- Uterine Supporting Structure ( 0UT4 )
- Uterus ( 0UT9 )
- Uvula ( 0CTN )
- Vagina ( 0UTG )
- Valve, Pulmonary ( 02TH )
- Vas Deferens
- Vesicle
- Vitreous
- Vocal Cord
- Vulva ( 0UTM )