ICD 10 PCS Index: Beam Radiation
Beam Radiation
- Abdomen ( DW03 )
- Intraoperative DW033Z0
- Adrenal Gland ( DG02 )
- Intraoperative DG023Z0
- Bile Ducts ( DF02 )
- Intraoperative DF023Z0
- Bladder ( DT02 )
- Intraoperative DT023Z0
- Bone
- Bone Marrow ( D700 )
- Intraoperative D7003Z0
- Brain ( D000 )
- Intraoperative D0003Z0
- Brain Stem ( D001 )
- Intraoperative D0013Z0
- Breast
- Bronchus ( DB01 )
- Intraoperative DB013Z0
- Cervix ( DU01 )
- Intraoperative DU013Z0
- Chest ( DW02 )
- Intraoperative DW023Z0
- Chest Wall ( DB07 )
- Intraoperative DB073Z0
- Colon ( DD05 )
- Intraoperative DD053Z0
- Diaphragm ( DB08 )
- Intraoperative DB083Z0
- Duodenum ( DD02 )
- Intraoperative DD023Z0
- Ear ( D900 )
- Intraoperative D9003Z0
- Esophagus ( DD00 )
- Intraoperative DD003Z0
- Eye ( D800 )
- Intraoperative D8003Z0
- Femur ( DP09 )
- Intraoperative DP093Z0
- Fibula ( DP0B )
- Intraoperative DP0B3Z0
- Gallbladder ( DF01 )
- Intraoperative DF013Z0
- Gland
- Adrenal DG02
- Intraoperative DG023Z0
- Parathyroid DG04
- Intraoperative DG043Z0
- Pituitary DG00
- Intraoperative DG003Z0
- Thyroid DG05
- Intraoperative DG053Z0
- Glands
- Head and Neck ( DW01 )
- Intraoperative DW013Z0
- Hemibody ( DW04 )
- Intraoperative DW043Z0
- Humerus ( DP06 )
- Intraoperative DP063Z0
- Hypopharynx ( D903 )
- Intraoperative D9033Z0
- Ileum ( DD04 )
- Intraoperative DD043Z0
- Jejunum ( DD03 )
- Intraoperative DD033Z0
- Kidney ( DT00 )
- Intraoperative DT003Z0
- Larynx ( D90B )
- Intraoperative D90B3Z0
- Liver ( DF00 )
- Intraoperative DF003Z0
- Lung ( DB02 )
- Intraoperative DB023Z0
- Lymphatics
- Abdomen D706
- Intraoperative D7063Z0
- Axillary D704
- Intraoperative D7043Z0
- Inguinal D708
- Intraoperative D7083Z0
- Neck D703
- Intraoperative D7033Z0
- Pelvis D707
- Intraoperative D7073Z0
- Thorax D705
- Intraoperative D7053Z0
- Mandible ( DP03 )
- Intraoperative DP033Z0
- Maxilla ( DP02 )
- Intraoperative DP023Z0
- Mediastinum ( DB06 )
- Intraoperative DB063Z0
- Mouth ( D904 )
- Intraoperative D9043Z0
- Nasopharynx ( D90D )
- Intraoperative D90D3Z0
- Neck and Head ( DW01 )
- Intraoperative DW013Z0
- Nerve
- Nose ( D901 )
- Intraoperative D9013Z0
- Oropharynx ( D90F )
- Intraoperative D90F3Z0
- Ovary ( DU00 )
- Intraoperative DU003Z0
- Palate
- Pancreas ( DF03 )
- Intraoperative DF033Z0
- Parathyroid Gland ( DG04 )
- Intraoperative DG043Z0
- Pelvic Bones ( DP08 )
- Intraoperative DP083Z0
- Pelvic Region ( DW06 )
- Intraoperative DW063Z0
- Pineal Body ( DG01 )
- Intraoperative DG013Z0
- Pituitary Gland ( DG00 )
- Intraoperative DG003Z0
- Pleura ( DB05 )
- Intraoperative DB053Z0
- Prostate ( DV00 )
- Intraoperative DV003Z0
- Radius ( DP07 )
- Intraoperative DP073Z0
- Rectum ( DD07 )
- Intraoperative DD073Z0
- Rib ( DP05 )
- Intraoperative DP053Z0
- Sinuses ( D907 )
- Intraoperative D9073Z0
- Skin
- Abdomen DH08
- Intraoperative DH083Z0
- Arm DH04
- Intraoperative DH043Z0
- Back DH07
- Intraoperative DH073Z0
- Buttock DH09
- Intraoperative DH093Z0
- Chest DH06
- Intraoperative DH063Z0
- Face DH02
- Intraoperative DH023Z0
- Leg DH0B
- Intraoperative DH0B3Z0
- Neck DH03
- Intraoperative DH033Z0
- Skull ( DP00 )
- Intraoperative DP003Z0
- Spinal Cord ( D006 )
- Intraoperative D0063Z0
- Spleen ( D702 )
- Intraoperative D7023Z0
- Sternum ( DP04 )
- Intraoperative DP043Z0
- Stomach ( DD01 )
- Intraoperative DD013Z0
- Testis ( DV01 )
- Intraoperative DV013Z0
- Thymus ( D701 )
- Intraoperative D7013Z0
- Thyroid Gland ( DG05 )
- Intraoperative DG053Z0
- Tibia ( DP0B )
- Intraoperative DP0B3Z0
- Tongue ( D905 )
- Intraoperative D9053Z0
- Trachea ( DB00 )
- Intraoperative DB003Z0
- Ulna ( DP07 )
- Intraoperative DP073Z0
- Ureter ( DT01 )
- Intraoperative DT013Z0
- Urethra ( DT03 )
- Intraoperative DT033Z0
- Uterus ( DU02 )
- Intraoperative DU023Z0
- Whole Body ( DW05 )
- Intraoperative DW053Z0