2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
D-lysergic acid diethylamide
Daphne (gnidium) (mezereum)
DDE (bis(chlorophenyl)-dichloroethylene)
Deadly nightshade
seeAlso Belladonna
Deamino-D-arginine vasopressin
Decongestant, nasal (mucosa)
Deglycyrrhizinized extract of licorice
Dental drug, topical application NEC
Deodorant spray (feminine hygiene)
Deoxyribonuclease (pancreatic)
- central nervous system (anesthetic) seeAlso Central nervous system, depressants
Dettol (external medication)
Dextro calcium pantothenate
Dextro pantothenyl alcohol
- concentrated solution, intravenous
Dialysis solution (intraperitoneal)
Dibromopropamidine isethionate
Dichloroethyl sulfide, not in war
Dichloroformoxine, not in war
Dichlorohydrin, alpha-dichlorohydrin
Dichloromethane (solvent)
Dicoumarol, dicoumarin, dicumarol
- ether (vapor) seeAlso ether
- toluamide (nonmedicinal)
- glycol (monoacetate) (monobutyl ether) (monoethyl ether)
Digitalis (leaf)(glycoside)
Dihydroergocristine (mesilate)
Dihydroxyaluminum aminoacetate
Dihydroxyaluminum sodium carbonate
Dihydroxypropyl theophylline
Dimercaprol (British anti-lewisite)
- sulfoxide (nonmedicinal)
Dimethyltubocurarinium chloride
Dinitro (-ortho-)cresol (pesticide) (spray)
Dioctyl sulfosuccinate (calcium) (sodium)
Diphenylchloroarsine, not in war
--- with pertussis component
- carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitors
see Dimethyl sulfoxide
Domestic gas (after combustion)
see Gas, utility