see Actaea spicata
- anesthetic (intravenous)
Barium (carbonate) (chloride) (sulfite)
seeAlso Nightshade
Benzamidosalicylate (calcium)
Benzathine benzylpenicillin
- homologues (acetyl) (dimethyl)(methyl) (solvent)
Bephenium hydroxy-naphthoate
beta adrenergic blocking agent, heart
Bichloride of mercury
see Mercury, chloride
Bichromates (calcium) (potassium)(sodium) (crystals)
Biguanide derivatives, oral
Bisdequalinium (salts) (diacetate)
- nonmedicinal NEC (compounds)
Bisulepin (hydrochloride)
Blast furnace gas (carbon monoxide from)
Bleaching agent (medicinal)
- infiltration (subcutaneous)
- nerve block (peripheral) (plexus)
Blockers, calcium channel
Blood (derivatives) (natural) (plasma) (whole)
- substitute (macromolecular)
Botulinus anti-toxin (type A, B)
Bromosalicylhydroxamic acid
Brown recluse spider (bite) (venom)
Brown spider (bite) (venom)
Brunswick green
see Copper
- infiltration (subcutaneous)
- nerve block (peripheral) (plexus)
Butane (distributed in mobile container)
- distributed through pipes
Butter of antimony
see Antimony
Butylated hydroxy-anisole
Butyrophenone (-based tranquilizers)