ICD 10 CM Index: Encounter (with health service) (for)
Encounter (with health service) (for)
ICD 10 Code is Z76.89.
- adjustment and management (of)
- breast implant Z45.81
- implanted device NEC Z45.89
- myringotomy device (stent) (tube) Z45.82
- neurostimulator (brain) (gastric) (peripheral nerve) (sacral nerve) (spinal cord) (vagus nerve) Z45.42
- administrative purpose only Z02.9
- examination for
- specified reason NEC Z02.89
- aftercare, See Aftercare
- antenatal screening Z36.9
- cervical length Z36.86
- chromosomal anomalies Z36.0
- congenital cardiac abnormalities Z36.83
- elevated maternal serum alphafetoprotein level Z36.1
- fetal growth retardation Z36.4
- fetal lung maturity Z36.84
- fetal macrosomia Z36.88
- hydrops fetalis Z36.81
- intrauterine growth restriction/small-for-dates (IUGR) Z36.4
- isoimmunization Z36.5
- large-for-dates Z36.88
- malformations Z36.3
- non-visualized anatomy on a previous scan Z36.2
- nuchal translucency Z36.82
- raised alphafetoprotein level Z36.1
- risk of pre-term labor Z36.86
- specified type NEC Z36.89
- specified follow-up NEC Z36.2
- specified genetic defects NEC Z36.8A
- Streptococcus B Z36.85
- suspected anomaly Z36.3
- uncertain dates Z36.87
- assisted reproductive fertility procedure cycle Z31.83
- blood typing Z01.83
- Rh typing Z01.83
- breast augmentation or reduction Z41.1
- breast implant exchange (different material) (different size) Z45.81
- breast reconstruction following mastectomy Z42.1
- check-up, See Examination
- chemotherapy for neoplasm Z51.11
- colonoscopy, screening Z12.11
- counseling, See Counseling
- delivery, full-term, uncomplicated O80
- cesarean, without indication O82
- desensitization to allergens Z51.6
- ear piercing Z41.3
- examination, See Examination
- expectant parent pre-birth pediatrician visit (s) (adoptive) Z76.81
- fertility preservation procedure (prior to cancer therapy) (prior to removal of gonads) Z31.84
- fitting (of), See Fitting (and adjustment) (of)
- genetic
- counseling
- testing, See Test, genetic
- hearing conservation and treatment Z01.12
- immunotherapy for neoplasm Z51.12
- in vitro fertilization cycle Z31.83
- instruction (in)
- insulin pump titration Z46.81
- joint prosthesis insertion following prior explantation of joint prosthesis (staged procedure)
- laboratory (as part of a general medical examination) Z00.00
- with abnormal findings Z00.01
- mental health services (for)
- abuse NEC
- child abuse
- child neglect
- child psychological abuse
- child sexual abuse
- non-spousal adult abuse
- spousal or partner
- observation (for) (ruled out)
- pediatrician visit, by expectant parent (s) (adoptive) Z76.81
- placental sample (taken vaginally) Z36.9, See also Encounter, antenatal screening
- plastic and reconstructive surgery following medical procedure or healed injury NEC Z42.8
- pregnancy
- supervision of, See Pregnancy, supervision of
- test Z32.00
- procreative management and counseling for gestational carrier Z31.7
- prophylactic measures Z29.9
- antivenin Z29.12
- fluoride administration Z29.3
- immunotherapy for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Z29.11
- rabies immune globin Z29.14
- Rho immune globulin (D) Z29.13
- specified NEC Z29.8
- radiation therapy (antineoplastic) Z51.0
- radiological (as part of a general medical examination) Z00.00
- with abnormal findings Z00.01
- reconstructive surgery following medical procedure or healed injury NEC Z42.8
- removal (of), See also Removal
- artificial
- breast implant Z45.81
- tissue expander (with or without synchronous insertion of permanent implant) Z45.81
- device Z46.9
- specified NEC Z46.89
- external
- implanted device NEC Z45.89
- insulin pump Z46.81
- internal fixation device Z47.2
- myringotomy device (stent) (tube) Z45.82
- nervous system device NEC Z46.2
- non-vascular catheter Z46.82
- orthodontic device Z46.4
- stent
- ureteral Z46.6
- urinary device Z46.6
- repeat cervical smear to confirm findings of recent normal smear following initial abnormal smear Z01.42
- respirator [ventilator] use during power failure Z99.12
- Rh typing Z01.83
- screening, See Screening
- specified NEC Z76.89
- sterilization Z30.2
- suspected condition, ruled out
- amniotic cavity and membrane Z03.71
- cervical shortening Z03.75
- fetal anomaly Z03.73
- fetal growth Z03.74
- maternal and fetal conditions NEC Z03.79
- oligohydramnios Z03.71
- placental problem Z03.72
- polyhydramnios Z03.71
- suspected exposure, ruled out (to)
- termination of pregnancy, elective Z33.2
- testing, See Test
- therapeutic drug level monitoring Z51.81
- titration, insulin pump Z46.81
- to determine fetal viability of pregnancy O36.80
- training
- insulin pump Z46.81
- X-ray of chest (as part of a general medical examination) Z00.00
- with abnormal findings Z00.01