ICD 10 CM Index: Aftercare
ICD 10 Code is Z51.89.
- See also: Care
- following surgery (for) (on)
- amputation Z47.81
- attention to
- circulatory system Z48.812
- delayed wound closure (planned) Z48.1
- digestive system Z48.815
- explantation of joint prosthesis (staged procedure)
- genitourinary system Z48.816
- joint replacement Z47.1
- neoplasm Z48.3
- nervous system Z48.811
- oral cavity Z48.814
- organ transplant
- orthopedic NEC Z47.89
- planned wound closure Z48.1
- removal of internal fixation device Z47.2
- respiratory system Z48.813
- scoliosis Z47.82
- sense organs Z48.810
- skin and subcutaneous tissue Z48.817
- specified body system
- specified NEC Z48.89
- spinal Z47.89
- teeth Z48.814
- fracture - code to fracture with seventh character D
- involving
- removal of
- neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord) Z46.2
- implanted Z45.42
- orthopedic NEC Z47.89
- postprocedural, See Aftercare, following surgery