DRG 947 - List of Diagnostic Related Groups (MS-DRG v38.1)
DRG 947 Signs and symptoms with mcc
- E07.81 Sick-euthyroid syndrome
- E79.0 Hyperuricemia w/o signs of inflam arthrit and tophaceous dis
- G89.11 Acute pain due to trauma
- G89.12 Acute post-thoracotomy pain
- G89.18 Other acute postprocedural pain
- G89.3 Neoplasm related pain (acute) (chronic)
- G93.3 Postviral fatigue syndrome
- P09 Abnormal findings on neonatal screening
- R18.0 Malignant ascites
- R18.8 Other ascites
- R23.0 Cyanosis
- R23.1 Pallor
- R23.2 Flushing
- R41.0 Disorientation, unspecified
- R41.1 Anterograde amnesia
- R41.2 Retrograde amnesia
- R41.3 Other amnesia
- R41.82 Altered mental status, unspecified
- R41.9 Unsp symptoms and signs w cognitive functions and awareness
- R45.83 Excessive crying of child, adolescent or adult
- R45.84 Anhedonia
- R52 Pain, unspecified
- R53.0 Neoplastic (malignant) related fatigue
- R53.1 Weakness
- R53.2 Functional quadriplegia
- R53.81 Other malaise
- R53.82 Chronic fatigue, unspecified
- R53.83 Other fatigue
- R60.0 Localized edema
- R60.1 Generalized edema
- R60.9 Edema, unspecified
- R64 Cachexia
- R68.0 Hypothermia, not associated w low environmental temperature
- R68.11 Excessive crying of infant (baby)
- R68.12 Fussy infant (baby)
- R68.81 Early satiety
- R68.83 Chills (without fever)
- R68.89 Other general symptoms and signs
- R70.0 Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- R70.1 Abnormal plasma viscosity
- R74.01 Elevation of levels of liver transaminase levels
- R74.02 Elevation of levels of lactic acid dehydrogenase [LDH]
- R74.8 Abnormal levels of other serum enzymes
- R74.9 Abnormal serum enzyme level, unspecified
- R77.0 Abnormality of albumin
- R77.1 Abnormality of globulin
- R77.2 Abnormality of alphafetoprotein
- R77.8 Other specified abnormalities of plasma proteins
- R77.9 Abnormality of plasma protein, unspecified
- R78.1 Finding of opiate drug in blood
- R78.2 Finding of cocaine in blood
- R78.3 Finding of hallucinogen in blood
- R78.4 Finding of other drugs of addictive potential in blood
- R78.5 Finding of other psychotropic drug in blood
- R78.6 Finding of steroid agent in blood
- R78.71 Abnormal lead level in blood
- R78.79 Finding of abnormal level of heavy metals in blood
- R78.89 Finding of oth substances, not normally found in blood
- R78.9 Finding of unsp substance, not normally found in blood
- R79.0 Abnormal level of blood mineral
- R79.1 Abnormal coagulation profile
- R79.81 Abnormal blood-gas level
- R79.82 Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP)
- R79.89 Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry
- R79.9 Abnormal finding of blood chemistry, unspecified
- R82.1 Myoglobinuria
- R84.0 Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from resp org/thrx
- R84.1 Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from resp org/thrx
- R84.2 Abn lev drug/meds/biol subst in specimens from resp org/thrx
- R84.3 Abn lev substnc nonmed source in specmn from resp org/thrx
- R84.4 Abnormal immunolog findings in specimens from resp org/thrx
- R84.5 Abnormal microbiolog findings in specmn from resp org/thrx
- R84.6 Abnormal cytolog findings in specimens from resp org/thrx
- R84.7 Abnormal histolog findings in specimens from resp org/thrx
- R84.8 Oth abnormal findings in specimens from resp org/thrx
- R84.9 Unsp abnormal finding in specimens from resp org/thrx
- R85.0 Abn lev enzymes in specimens from dgstv org/abd cav
- R85.1 Abn lev hormones in specimens from dgstv org/abd cav
- R85.2 Abn lev drug/meds/biol subst in specmn fr dgstv org/abd cav
- R85.3 Abn lev substnc nonmed source in specmn fr dgstv org/abd cav
- R85.4 Abnormal immunolog findings in specmn from dgstv org/abd cav
- R85.5 Abn microbiolog findings in specmn from dgstv org/abd cav
- R85.69 Abn cytolog findings in specmn from oth dgstv org/abd cav
- R85.7 Abnormal histolog findings in specmn from dgstv org/abd cav
- R85.89 Oth abnormal findings in specimens from dgstv org/abd cav
- R85.9 Unsp abnormal finding in specimens from dgstv org/abd cav
- R87.0 Abn lev enzymes in specimens from female genital organs
- R87.1 Abn lev hormones in specimens from female genital organs
- R87.2 Abn lev drug/meds/biol subst in specmn from fem gntl organs
- R87.3 Abn lev substnc nonmed source in specmn from fem gntl organs
- R87.4 Abn immunolog findings in specmn from female genital organs
- R87.5 Abn microbiolog find in specmn from female genital organs
- R87.618 Oth abnormal cytolog findings on specimens from cervix uteri
- R87.619 Unsp abnormal cytolog findings in specmn from cervix uteri
- R87.629 Unsp abnormal cytological findings in specimens from vagina
- R87.69 Abn cytolog find in specmn from oth female genital organs
- R87.7 Abn histolog findings in specmn from female genital organs
- R87.89 Oth abnormal findings in specmn from female genital organs
- R87.9 Unsp abnormal finding in specmn from female genital organs
- R88.0 Cloudy (hemodialysis) (peritoneal) dialysis effluent
- R88.8 Abnormal findings in other body fluids and substances
- R89.0 Abnormal level of enzymes in specimens from oth org/tiss
- R89.1 Abnormal level of hormones in specimens from oth org/tiss
- R89.2 Abn lev drug/meds/biol subst in specimens from oth org/tiss
- R89.3 Abn lev substnc nonmed source in specmn from oth org/tiss
- R89.4 Abnormal immunolog findings in specimens from oth org/tiss
- R89.5 Abnormal microbiolog findings in specimens from oth org/tiss
- R89.6 Abnormal cytological findings in specimens from oth org/tiss
- R89.7 Abnormal histolog findings in specimens from oth org/tiss
- R89.8 Oth abnormal findings in specimens from oth org/tiss
- R90.89 Oth abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of cnsl
- R93.89 Abnormal findings on dx imaging of oth body structures
- R93.9 Dx imaging inconclusive due to excess body fat of patient
- R97.0 Elevated carcinoembryonic antigen [CEA]
- R97.1 Elevated cancer antigen 125 [CA 125]
- R97.20 Elevated prostate specific antigen [PSA]
- R97.21 Rising PSA fol treatment for malignant neoplasm of prostate
- R97.8 Other abnormal tumor markers