DRG 485 - List of Diagnostic Related Groups (MS-DRG v38.1)
DRG 485 Knee procedures with principal diagnosis of infection with mcc
- A18.02 Tuberculous arthritis of other joints
- A54.42 Gonococcal arthritis
- M00.061 Staphylococcal arthritis, right knee
- M00.062 Staphylococcal arthritis, left knee
- M00.069 Staphylococcal arthritis, unspecified knee
- M00.161 Pneumococcal arthritis, right knee
- M00.162 Pneumococcal arthritis, left knee
- M00.169 Pneumococcal arthritis, unspecified knee
- M00.261 Other streptococcal arthritis, right knee
- M00.262 Other streptococcal arthritis, left knee
- M00.269 Other streptococcal arthritis, unspecified knee
- M00.861 Arthritis due to other bacteria, right knee
- M00.862 Arthritis due to other bacteria, left knee
- M00.869 Arthritis due to other bacteria, unspecified knee
- M00.9 Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified
- M01.X61 Direct infct of r knee in infec/parastc dis classd elswhr
- M01.X62 Direct infct of l knee in infec/parastc dis classd elswhr
- M01.X69 Direct infct of unsp knee in infec/parastc dis classd elswhr
- M71.061 Abscess of bursa, right knee
- M71.062 Abscess of bursa, left knee
- M71.069 Abscess of bursa, unspecified knee
- M71.161 Other infective bursitis, right knee
- M71.162 Other infective bursitis, left knee
- M71.169 Other infective bursitis, unspecified knee
- M86.061 Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, right tibia and fibula
- M86.062 Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, left tibia and fibula
- M86.069 Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, unsp tibia and fibula
- M86.161 Other acute osteomyelitis, right tibia and fibula
- M86.162 Other acute osteomyelitis, left tibia and fibula
- M86.169 Other acute osteomyelitis, unspecified tibia and fibula
- M86.261 Subacute osteomyelitis, right tibia and fibula
- M86.262 Subacute osteomyelitis, left tibia and fibula
- M86.269 Subacute osteomyelitis, unspecified tibia and fibula
- M86.361 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, right tibia and fibula
- M86.362 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, left tibia and fibula
- M86.369 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, unsp tibia and fibula
- M86.461 Chronic osteomyelit w draining sinus, right tibia and fibula
- M86.462 Chronic osteomyelit w draining sinus, left tibia and fibula
- M86.469 Chronic osteomyelit w draining sinus, unsp tibia and fibula
- M86.561 Oth chronic hematogenous osteomyelit, right tibia and fibula
- M86.562 Oth chronic hematogenous osteomyelit, left tibia and fibula
- M86.569 Oth chronic hematogenous osteomyelit, unsp tibia and fibula
- M86.661 Other chronic osteomyelitis, right tibia and fibula
- M86.662 Other chronic osteomyelitis, left tibia and fibula
- M86.669 Other chronic osteomyelitis, unspecified tibia and fibula
- M86.8X6 Other osteomyelitis, lower leg
- T84.53XA Infect/inflm reaction due to internal r knee prosth, init
- T84.54XA Infect/inflm reaction due to internal left knee prosth, init
- T84.620A Infect/inflm reaction due to int fix of right femur, init
- T84.621A Infect/inflm reaction due to int fix of left femur, init
- T84.622A Infect/inflm reaction due to int fix of right tibia, init
- T84.623A Infect/inflm reaction due to int fix of left tibia, init
- T84.624A Infect/inflm reaction due to int fix of right fibula, init
- T84.625A Infect/inflm reaction due to int fix of left fibula, init
- T84.629A Infect/inflm react due to int fix of unsp bone of leg, init
- T84.7XXA Infect/inflm react due to oth int orth prosth dev/grft, init