ICD 10 CM Index: Syndrome
- See also: Disease
- 5q minus NOS D46.C
- 48,XXXX Q97.1
- 49,XXXXX Q97.1
- abdominal
- abnormal innervation H02.519
- abstinence, neonatal P96.1
- acid pulmonary aspiration, obstetric O74.0
- acquired immunodeficiency, See Human, immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease
- acute abdominal R10.0
- acute respiratory distress (adult) (child) J80
- idiopathic J84.114
- Adair-Dighton Q78.0
- Adams-Stokes (-Morgagni) I45.9
- adiposogenital E23.6
- adrenal
- adrenocortical, See Cushing's, syndrome
- adrenogenital E25.9
- congenital, associated with enzyme deficiency E25.0
- afferent loop NEC K91.89
- Alagille's Q44.7
- alcohol withdrawal (without convulsions), See Dependence, alcohol, with, withdrawal
- Alder's D72.0
- Aldrich (-Wiskott) D82.0
- alien hand R41.4
- Alport Q87.81
- alveolar hypoventilation E66.2
- alveolocapillary block J84.10
- amnesic, amnestic (confabulatory) (due to), See Disorder, amnesic
- amyostatic (Wilson's disease) E83.01
- androgen insensitivity E34.50
- androgen resistance E34.50, See also Syndrome, androgen insensitivity
- Angelman Q93.51
- anginal, See Angina
- ankyloglossia superior Q38.1
- anterior
- antibody deficiency D80.9
- anticardiolipin (-antibody) D68.61
- antidepressant discontinuation T43.205
- antiphospholipid (-antibody) D68.61
- aortic
- aortomesenteric duodenum occlusion K31.5
- apical ballooning (transient left ventricular) I51.81
- arcuate ligament I77.4
- argentaffin, argintaffinoma E34.0
- Arnold-Chiari, See Arnold-Chiari disease
- Arrillaga-Ayerza I27.0
- arterial tortuosity Q87.82
- arteriovenous steal T82.898-
- Asherman's N85.6
- aspiration, of newborn, See Aspiration, by substance, with pneumonia
- meconium P24.01
- ataxia-telangiectasia G11.3
- auriculotemporal G50.8
- autoerythrocyte sensitization (Gardner-Diamond) D69.2
- autoimmune polyglandular E31.0
- autoimmune lymphoproliferative [ALPS] D89.82
- autoinflammatory M04.9
- specified type NEC M04.8
- autosomal, See Abnormal, autosomes
- Avellis' G46.8
- Ayerza (-Arrillaga) I27.0
- Babinski-Nageotte G83.89
- Bakwin-Krida Q78.5
- bare lymphocyte D81.6
- Barré-Guillain G61.0
- Barré-Liéou M53.0
- Barrett's, See Barrett's, esophagus
- Barsony-Polgar K22.4
- Barsony-Teschendorf K22.4
- Barth E78.71
- Bartter's E26.81
- basal cell nevus Q87.89
- Basedow's E05.00
- with thyroid storm E05.01
- basilar artery G45.0
- Batten-Steinert G71.11
- battered
- baby or child, See Maltreatment, child, physical abuse
- spouse, See Maltreatment, adult, physical abuse
- Beals Q87.40
- Beau's I51.5
- Beck's I65.8
- Benedikt's G46.3
- Béquez César (-Steinbrinck-Chédiak-Higashi) E70.330
- Bernhardt-Roth, See Meralgia paresthetica
- Bernheim's, See Failure, heart, right
- big spleen D73.1
- bilateral polycystic ovarian E28.2
- Bing-Horton's, See Horton's headache
- Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome Q87.89
- Björck (-Thorsen) E34.0
- black
- lung J60
- widow spider bite, See Toxicity, venom, spider, black widow
- Blackfan-Diamond D61.01
- Blau M04.8
- blind loop K90.2
- blue sclera Q78.0
- blue toe I75.02-
- Boder-Sedgewick G11.3
- Boerhaave's K22.3
- Borjeson Forssman Lehmann Q89.8
- Bouillaud's I01.9
- Bourneville (-Pringle) Q85.1
- Bouveret (-Hoffman) I47.9
- brachial plexus G54.0
- bradycardia-tachycardia I49.5
- brain (nonpsychotic) F09
- with psychosis, psychotic reaction F09
- acute or subacute, See Delirium
- congenital, See Disability, intellectual
- organic F09
- personality change F07.0
- postcontusional F07.81
- post-traumatic, nonpsychotic F07.81
- psycho-organic F09
- psychotic F06.8
- brain stem stroke G46.3
- Brandt's (acrodermatitis enteropathica) E83.2
- broad ligament laceration N83.8
- Brock's J98.11
- bronze baby P83.88
- Brown-Sequard G83.81
- Brugada I49.8
- bubbly lung P27.0
- Buchem's M85.2
- Budd-Chiari I82.0
- bulbar (progressive) G12.22
- Bürger-Grütz E78.3
- Burke's K86.89
- Burnett's (milk-alkali) E83.52
- burning feet E53.9
- Bywaters' T79.5
- Call-Fleming I67.841
- carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein (CDGS) E77.8
- carcinogenic thrombophlebitis I82.1
- carcinoid E34.0
- cardiac asthma I50.1
- cardiacos negros I27.0
- cardiofaciocutaneous Q87.89
- cardiopulmonary-obesity E66.2
- cardiorenal, See Hypertension, cardiorenal
- cardiorespiratory distress, newborn (idiopathic) P22.0
- cardiovascular renal, See Hypertension, cardiorenal
- carotid
- carpal tunnel G56.0-
- Cassidy (-Scholte) E34.0
- cat cry Q93.4
- cat eye Q92.8
- cauda equina G83.4
- causalgia, See Causalgia
- celiac K90.0
- central pain G89.0
- cerebellar
- cerebellomedullary malformation, See Spina bifida
- cerebral
- cervical (root) M53.1
- disc, See Disorder, disc, cervical, with neuritis
- fusion Q76.1
- posterior, sympathicus M53.0
- rib Q76.5
- sympathetic paralysis G90.2
- cervicobrachial (diffuse) M53.1
- cervicocranial M53.0
- cervicodorsal outlet G54.2
- cervicothoracic outlet G54.0
- Céstan (-Raymond) I65.8
- Charcot's (angina cruris) (intermittent claudication) I73.9
- Charcot-Weiss-Baker G90.09
- CHARGE Q89.8
- Chédiak-Higashi (-Steinbrinck) E70.330
- chest wall R07.1
- Chiari's (hepatic vein thrombosis) I82.0
- Chilaiditi's Q43.3
- child maltreatment, See Maltreatment, child
- chondrocostal junction M94.0
- chondroectodermal dysplasia Q77.6
- chromosome 4 short arm deletion Q93.3
- chromosome 5 short arm deletion Q93.4
- chronic
- Churg-Strauss M30.1
- Clarke-Hadfield K86.89
- Clerambault's automatism G93.89
- Clouston's (hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia) Q82.4
- clumsiness, clumsy child F82
- cluster headache G44.009
- Coffin-Lowry Q89.8
- cold injury (newborn) P80.0
- combined immunity deficiency D81.9
- compartment (deep) (posterior) (traumatic) T79.A0
- abdomen T79.A3
- lower extremity (hip, buttock, thigh, leg, foot, toes) T79.A2
- nontraumatic
- postprocedural, See Syndrome, compartment, nontraumatic
- specified site NEC T79.A9
- upper extremity (shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers) T79.A1
- complex regional pain, See Syndrome, pain, complex regional
- compression T79.5
- anterior spinal, See Syndrome, anterior, spinal artery, compression
- cauda equina G83.4
- celiac artery I77.4
- vertebral artery M47.029
- concussion F07.81
- congenital
- affecting multiple systems NEC Q87.89
- central alveolar hypoventilation G47.35
- facial diplegia Q87.0
- muscular hypertrophy-cerebral Q87.89
- oculo-auriculovertebral Q87.0
- oculofacial diplegia (Moebius) Q87.0
- rubella (manifest) P35.0
- congestion-fibrosis, female (pelvic) N94.89
- congestive dysmenorrhea N94.6
- Conn's E26.01
- connective tissue M35.9
- overlap NEC M35.1
- conus medullaris G95.81
- cord
- coronary
- Costen's (complex) M26.69
- costochondral junction M94.0
- costoclavicular G54.0
- costovertebral E22.0
- Cowden Q85.8
- craniovertebral M53.0
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob, See Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome
- cri-du-chat Q93.4
- crib death R99
- cricopharyngeal, See Dysphagia
- croup J05.0
- CRPS I, See Syndrome, pain, complex regional I
- crush T79.5
- cubital tunnel, See Lesion, nerve, ulnar
- Curschmann (-Batten) (-Steinert) G71.11
- Cushing's E24.9
- alcohol-induced E24.4
- due to
- drug-induced E24.2
- overdose or wrong substance given or taken, See Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning
- pituitary-dependent E24.0
- specified type NEC E24.8
- cryopyrin-associated periodic M04.2
- cryptophthalmos Q87.0
- cystic duct stump K91.5
- cytokine release D89.839
- Dana-Putnam D51.0
- Danbolt (-Cross) (acrodermatitis enteropathica) E83.2
- Dandy-Walker Q03.1
- with spina bifida Q07.01
- Danlos' Q79.60, See also Syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos
- defibrination, See also Fibrinolysis
- with
- antepartum hemorrhage, See Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect
- intrapartum hemorrhage, See Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery
- newborn P60
- postpartum O72.3
- Degos' I77.89
- Déjérine-Roussy G89.0
- delayed sleep phase G47.21
- demyelinating G37.9
- dependence, See F10-F19 with fourth character .2
- depersonalization (-derealization) F48.1
- De Quervain E34.51
- de Toni-Fanconi (-Debré) E72.09
- with cystinosis E72.04
- de Vivo syndrome E74.810
- diabetes mellitus-hypertension-nephrosis, See Diabetes, nephrosis
- diabetes mellitus in newborn infant P70.2
- diabetes-nephrosis, See Diabetes, nephrosis
- diabetic amyotrophy, See Diabetes, amyotrophy
- dialysis associated steal T82.898-
- Diamond-Blackfan D61.01
- Diamond-Gardener D69.2
- DIC (diffuse or disseminated intravascular coagulopathy) D65
- di George's D82.1
- Dighton's Q78.0
- disequilibrium E87.8
- Döhle body-panmyelopathic D72.0
- dorsolateral medullary G46.4
- double athetosis G80.3
- Down Q90.9, See also Down syndrome
- Dravet (intractable) G40.834
- Dresbach's (elliptocytosis) D58.1
- DRESS (drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms) D72.12
- Dressler's (postmyocardial infarction) I24.1
- postcardiotomy I97.0
- drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) D72.12
- drug withdrawal, infant of dependent mother P96.1
- dry eye H04.12-
- due to abnormality
- dumping (postgastrectomy) K91.1
- nonsurgical K31.89
- Dupré's (meningism) R29.1
- dysmetabolic X E88.81
- dyspraxia, developmental F82
- Eagle-Barrett Q79.4
- Eaton-Lambert, See Syndrome, Lambert-Eaton
- Ebstein's Q22.5
- ectopic ACTH E24.3
- eczema-thrombocytopenia D82.0
- Eddowes' Q78.0
- effort (psychogenic) F45.8
- Eisenmenger's I27.83
- Ehlers-Danlos Q79.60
- classical (cEDS) (classical EDS) Q79.61
- hypermobile (hEDS) (hypermobile EDS) Q79.62
- specified NEC Q79.69
- vascular (vascular EDS) (vEDS) Q79.63
- Ekman's Q78.0
- electric feet E53.8
- Ellis-van Creveld Q77.6
- empty nest Z60.0
- endocrine-hypertensive E27.0
- entrapment, See Neuropathy, entrapment
- eosinophilia-myalgia M35.89
- epileptic, See also Epilepsy, by type
- absence G40.A09
- Erdheim-Chester (ECD) E88.89
- Erdheim's E22.0
- erythrocyte fragmentation D59.4
- Evans D69.41
- exhaustion F48.8
- extrapyramidal G25.9
- specified NEC G25.89
- eye retraction, See Strabismus
- eyelid-malar-mandible Q87.0
- Faber's D50.9
- facet M47.89-
- facial pain, paroxysmal G50.0
- Fallot's Q21.3
- familial cold autoinflammatory M04.2
- familial eczema-thrombocytopenia (Wiskott-Aldrich) D82.0
- Fanconi (-de Toni) (-Debré) E72.09
- with cystinosis E72.04
- Fanconi's (anemia) (congenital pancytopenia) D61.09
- fatigue
- faulty bowel habit K59.39
- Feil-Klippel (brevicollis) Q76.1
- Felty's, See Felty's syndrome
- fertile eunuch E23.0
- fetal
- Fiedler's I40.1
- first arch Q87.0
- fish odor E72.89
- Fisher's G61.0
- Fitzhugh-Curtis
- Fitz's K85.80, See also Pancreatitis, acute
- Flajani (-Basedow) E05.00
- with thyroid storm E05.01
- flatback, See Flatback syndrome
- floppy
- flush E34.0
- Foix-Alajouanine G95.19
- Fong's Q87.2
- food protein-induced enterocolitis (FPIES) K52.21
- foramen magnum G93.5
- Foster-Kennedy H47.14-
- Foville's (peduncular) G46.3
- fragile X Q99.2
- Franceschetti Q75.4
- Frey's
- Friderichsen-Waterhouse A39.1
- Froin's G95.89
- frontal lobe F07.0
- Fukuhara E88.49
- functional
- Gaisböck's D75.1
- ganglion (basal ganglia brain) G25.9
- geniculi G51.1
- Gardner-Diamond D69.2
- gastroesophageal
- gastrojejunal loop obstruction K91.89
- Gee-Herter-Heubner K90.0
- Gelineau's G47.419
- with cataplexy G47.411
- genito-anorectal A55
- Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker (GSS) A81.82
- Gianotti-Crosti L44.4
- giant platelet (Bernard-Soulier) D69.1
- Gilles de la Tourette's F95.2
- Glass Q87.89
- Gleich's D72.118
- goiter-deafness E07.1
- Goldberg Q89.8
- Goldberg-Maxwell E34.51
- Good's D83.8
- Gopalan' (burning feet) E53.8
- Gorlin's Q87.89
- Gougerot-Blum L81.7
- Gouley's I31.1
- Gower's R55
- gray or grey (newborn) P93.0
- platelet D69.1
- Gubler-Millard G46.3
- Guillain-Barré (-Strohl) G61.0
- gustatory sweating G50.8
- Hadfield-Clarke K86.89
- hair tourniquet, See Constriction, external, by site
- Hamman's J98.19
- hand-foot L27.1
- hand-shoulder G90.8
- hantavirus (cardio)-pulmonary (HPS) (HCPS) B33.4
- happy puppet Q93.51
- Harada's H30.81-
- Hayem-Faber D50.9
- headache NEC G44.89
- complicated NEC G44.59
- Heberden's I20.8
- Hedinger's E34.0
- Hegglin's D72.0
- HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count) O14.2-
- hemolytic-uremic D59.3
- hemophagocytic, infection-associated D76.2
- Henoch-Schönlein D69.0
- hepatic flexure K59.89
- hepatopulmonary K76.81
- hepatorenal K76.7
- hepatourologic K76.7
- Herter (-Gee) (nontropical sprue) K90.0
- Heubner-Herter K90.0
- Heyd's K76.7
- Hilger's G90.09
- histamine-like (fish poisoning), See Poisoning, fish
- histiocytic D76.3
- histiocytosis NEC D76.3
- HIV infection, acute B20
- Hoffmann-Werdnig G12.0
- Hollander-Simons E88.1
- Hoppe-Goldflam G70.00
- Horner's G90.2
- hungry bone E83.81
- hunterian glossitis D51.0
- Hutchinson's triad A50.53
- hyperabduction G54.0
- hyperammonemia-hyperornithinemia-homocitrullinemia E72.4
- hypereosinophilic (HES) D72.119
- hyperimmunoglobulin D M04.1
- hyperimmunoglobulin E (IgE) D82.4
- hyperkalemic E87.5
- hyperkinetic, See Hyperkinesia
- hypermobility M35.7
- hypernatremia E87.0
- hyperosmolarity E87.0
- hyperperfusion G97.82
- hypersplenic D73.1
- hypertransfusion, newborn P61.1
- hyperventilation F45.8
- hyperviscosity ( of serum)
- hypoglycemic (familial) (neonatal) E16.2
- hypokalemic E87.6
- hyponatremic E87.1
- hypopituitarism E23.0
- hypoplastic left-heart Q23.4
- hypopotassemia E87.6
- hyposmolality E87.1
- hypotension, maternal O26.5-
- hypothenar hammer I73.89
- hypoventilation, obesity (OHS) E66.2
- ICF (intravascular coagulation-fibrinolysis) D65
- idiopathic
- iliotibial band M76.3-
- immobility, immobilization (paraplegic) M62.3
- immune reconstitution D89.3
- immune reconstitution inflammatory [IRIS] D89.3
- immunity deficiency, combined D81.9
- immunodeficiency
- acquired, See Human, immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease
- combined D81.9
- impending coronary I20.0
- impingement, shoulder M75.4-
- inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone E22.2
- infant
- infantilism (pituitary) E23.0
- inferior vena cava I87.1
- inspissated bile (newborn) P59.1
- institutional (childhood) F94.2
- insufficient sleep F51.12
- intermediate coronary (artery) I20.0
- interspinous ligament, See Spondylopathy, specified NEC
- intestinal
- intravascular coagulation-fibrinolysis (ICF) D65
- iodine-deficiency, congenital E00.9
- IRDS (idiopathic respiratory distress, newborn) P22.0
- irritable
- ischemic
- IVC (intravascular coagulopathy) D65
- Ivemark's Q89.01
- Jaccoud's, See Arthropathy, postrheumatic, chronic
- Jackson's G83.89
- Jakob-Creutzfeldt, See Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome
- jaw-winking Q07.8
- Jervell-Lange-Nielsen I45.81
- jet lag G47.25
- Job's D71
- Joseph-Diamond-Blackfan D61.01
- jugular foramen G52.7
- Kabuki Q89.8
- Kanner's (autism) F84.0
- Kartagener's Q89.3
- Kelly's D50.1
- Kimmelsteil-Wilson, See Diabetes, specified type, with Kimmelsteil-Wilson disease
- Klein-Levine (e) G47.13
- Klippel-Feil (brevicollis) Q76.1
- Köhler-Pellegrini-Steida, See Bursitis, tibial collateral
- König's K59.89
- Korsakoff (-Wernicke) (nonalcoholic) F04
- alcoholic F10.26
- Kostmann's D70.0
- Krabbe's congenital muscle hypoplasia Q79.8
- labyrinthine
- lacunar NEC G46.7
- Lambert-Eaton G70.80
- Landau-Kleffner, See Epilepsy, specified NEC
- Larsen's Q74.8
- lateral
- Launois' E22.0
- lazy
- Lemiere I80.8
- Lennox-Gastaut G40.812
- lenticular, progressive E83.01
- Leopold-Levi's E05.90
- Lev's I44.2
- Li-Fraumeni Z15.01
- Lichtheim's D51.0
- Lightwood's N25.89
- Lignac (de Toni) (-Fanconi) (-Debré) E72.09
- with cystinosis E72.04
- Likoff's I20.8
- limbic epilepsy personality F07.0
- liver-kidney K76.7
- lobotomy F07.0
- Löffler's J82.89
- long arm 18 or 21 deletion Q93.89
- long QT I45.81
- Louis-Barré G11.3
- low
- lower radicular, newborn (birth injury) P14.8
- Luetscher's (dehydration) E86.0
- Lupus anticoagulant D68.62
- Lutembacher's Q21.1
- macrophage activation D76.1
- due to infection D76.2
- magnesium-deficiency R29.0
- Majeed M04.8
- Mal de Debarquement R42
- malabsorption K90.9
- postsurgical K91.2
- malformation, congenital, due to
- malignant
- Mallory-Weiss K22.6
- mandibulofacial dysostosis Q75.4
- manic-depressive, See Disorder, bipolar
- maple-syrup-urine E71.0
- Marable's I77.4
- Marfan's Q87.40
- with
- Marie's (acromegaly) E22.0
- mast cell activation, See Activation, mast cell
- maternal hypotension, See Syndrome, hypotension, maternal
- May (-Hegglin) D72.0
- McArdle (-Schmidt) (-Pearson) E74.04
- McQuarrie's E16.2
- meconium plug (newborn) P76.0
- median arcuate ligament I77.4
- Meekeren-Ehlers-Danlos Q79.6
- megavitamin-B6 E67.2
- Meige G24.4
- MELAS E88.41
- Mendelson's O74.0
- MERRF (myoclonic epilepsy associated with ragged-red fibers) E88.42
- mesenteric
- metabolic E88.81
- metastatic carcinoid E34.0
- micrognathia-glossoptosis Q87.0
- midbrain NEC G93.89
- middle lobe (lung) J98.19
- middle radicular G54.0
- migraine G43.909-, See also Migraine
- Mikulicz' K11.8
- milk-alkali E83.52
- Millard-Gubler G46.3
- Miller-Dieker Q93.88
- Miller-Fisher G61.0
- Minkowski-Chauffard D58.0
- Mirizzi's K83.1
- MNGIE (Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy) E88.49
- Möbius, ophthalmoplegic migraine, See Migraine, ophthalmoplegic
- monofixation H50.42
- Morel-Moore M85.2
- Morel-Morgagni M85.2
- Morgagni (-Morel) (-Stewart) M85.2
- Morgagni-Adams-Stokes I45.9
- Muckle-Wells M04.2
- mucocutaneous lymph node (acute febrile) (MCLS) M30.3
- multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN), See Neoplasia, endocrine, multiple (MEN)
- multiple operations, See Disorder, factitious
- multisystem inflammatory (in adults) (in children) M35.81
- Mounier-Kuhn Q32.4
- myasthenic G70.9
- in
- myelodysplastic D46.9
- myeloid hypereosinophilic D72.118
- myelopathic pain G89.0
- myeloproliferative (chronic) D47.1
- myofascial pain M79.18
- Naffziger's G54.0
- nail patella Q87.2
- NARP (Neuropathy, Ataxia and Retinitis pigmentosa) E88.49
- neonatal abstinence P96.1
- nephritic, See also Nephritis
- nephrotic (congenital) N04.9, See also Nephrosis
- with
- diabetic, See Diabetes, nephrosis
- neurologic neglect R41.4
- Nezelof's D81.4
- Nonne-Milroy-Meige Q82.0
- Nothnagel's vasomotor acroparesthesia I73.89
- obesity hypoventilation (OHS) E66.2
- oculomotor H51.9
- Ogilvie K59.81
- ophthalmoplegia-cerebellar ataxia, See Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve
- oral allergy T78.1
- oral-facial-digital Q87.0
- organic
- affective F06.30
- amnesic (not alcohol- or drug-induced) F04
- brain F09
- depressive F06.31
- hallucinosis F06.0
- personality F07.0
- Ormond's N13.5
- oro-facial-digital Q87.0
- os trigonum Q68.8
- Osler-Weber-Rendu I78.0
- osteoporosis-osteomalacia M83.8
- Osterreicher-Turner Q87.2
- otolith
- oto-palatal-digital Q87.0
- outlet (thoracic) G54.0
- ovary
- Owren's D68.2
- Paget-Schroetter I82.890
- pain, See also Pain
- painful
- paralysis agitans, See Parkinsonism
- paralytic G83.9
- specified NEC G83.89
- Parinaud's H51.0
- parkinsonian, See Parkinsonism
- Parkinson's, See Parkinsonism
- paroxysmal facial pain G50.0
- Parry's E05.00
- with thyroid storm E05.01
- Parsonage-Turner (-Aldren) G54.5
- patella clunk M25.86-
- Paterson (-Brown) (-Kelly) D50.1
- pectoral girdle I77.89
- pectoralis minor I77.89
- pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS) D89.89
- pediatric inflammatory multisystem M35.81
- Pelger-Huet D72.0
- pellagra-cerebellar ataxia-renal aminoaciduria E72.02
- pellagroid E52
- Pellegrini-Stieda, See Bursitis, tibial collateral
- pelvic congestion-fibrosis, female N94.89
- penta X Q97.1
- peptic ulcer, See Ulcer, peptic
- perabduction I77.89
- periodic fever M04.1
- periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenopathy [PFAPA] M04.8
- periodic headache, in adults and children, See Headache, periodic syndromes in adults and children
- periurethral fibrosis N13.5
- phantom limb (without pain) G54.7
- with pain G54.6
- pharyngeal pouch D82.1
- Pick's, See Disease, Pick's
- Pickwickian E66.2
- PIE (pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia) J82.89, See also Eosinophilia, pulmonary
- pigmentary pallidal degeneration (progressive) G23.0
- pineal E34.8
- pituitary E22.0
- plantar fascia M72.2
- placental transfusion, See Pregnancy, complicated by, placental transfusion syndromes
- plateau iris (post-iridectomy) (postprocedural) H21.82
- Plummer-Vinson D50.1
- pluricarential of infancy E40
- plurideficiency E40
- pluriglandular (compensatory) E31.8
- autoimmune E31.0
- pneumatic hammer T75.21
- polyangiitis overlap M30.8
- polycarential of infancy E40
- polyglandular E31.8
- autoimmune E31.0
- polysplenia Q89.09
- pontine NEC G93.89
- popliteal
- postcardiac injury
- postcardiotomy I97.0
- post chemoembolization - code to associated conditions
- postcholecystectomy K91.5
- postcommissurotomy I97.0
- postconcussional F07.81
- postcontusional F07.81
- postencephalitic F07.89
- post endometrial ablation N99.85
- posterior
- postgastrectomy (dumping) K91.1
- postgastric surgery K91.1
- postinfarction I24.1
- postlaminectomy NEC M96.1
- postleukotomy F07.0
- postmastectomy lymphedema I97.2
- postmyocardial infarction I24.1
- postoperative NEC T81.9
- blind loop K90.2
- postpartum panhypopituitary (Sheehan) E23.0
- postpolio (myelitic) G14
- postthrombotic I87.009
- with
- asymptomatic I87.00-
- postvagotomy K91.1
- postvalvulotomy I97.0
- postviral NEC G93.3
- fatigue G93.3
- Potain's K31.0
- potassium intoxication E87.5
- Prader-Willi Q87.11
- Prader-Willi-like Q87.19
- precerebral artery (multiple) (bilateral) G45.2
- preinfarction I20.0
- preleukemic D46.9
- premature senility E34.8
- premenstrual dysphoric F32.81
- premenstrual tension N94.3
- Prinzmetal-Massumi R07.1
- prune belly Q79.4
- pseudocarpal tunnel (sublimis), See Syndrome, carpal tunnel
- pseudoparalytica G70.00
- pseudo -Turner's Q87.19
- psycho-organic (nonpsychotic severity) F07.9
- acute or subacute F05
- depressive type F06.31
- hallucinatory type F06.0
- nonpsychotic severity F07.0
- specified NEC F07.89
- pulmonary
- arteriosclerosis I27.0
- dysmaturity (Wilson-Mikity) P27.0
- hypoperfusion (idiopathic) P22.0
- renal (hemorrhagic) (Goodpasture's) M31.0
- pure
- Putnam-Dana D51.0
- pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, and acne [PAPA] M04.8
- pyramidopallidonigral G20
- pyriformis, See Lesion, nerve, sciatic
- QT interval prolongation I45.81
- radicular NEC, See Radiculopathy
- upper limbs, newborn (birth injury) P14.3
- rapid time-zone change G47.25
- Rasmussen G04.81
- Raymond (-Céstan) I65.8
- Raynaud's I73.00
- with gangrene I73.01
- RDS (respiratory distress syndrome, newborn) P22.0
- reactive airways dysfunction J68.3
- Refsum's G60.1
- Reifenstein E34.52
- renal glomerulohyalinosis-diabetic, See Diabetes, nephrosis
- Rendu-Osler-Weber I78.0
- residual ovary N99.83
- resistant ovary E28.39
- respiratory
- distress
- restless legs G25.81
- retinoblastoma (familial) C69.2
- retroperitoneal fibrosis N13.5
- retroviral seroconversion (acute) Z21
- Reye's G93.7
- Richter, See Leukemia, chronic lymphocytic, B-cell type
- Ridley's I50.1
- right
- heart, hypoplastic Q22.6
- ventricular obstruction, See Failure, heart, right
- Romano-Ward (prolonged QT interval) I45.81
- rotator cuff, shoulder M75.10-, See also Tear, rotator cuff
- Rotes Quérol, See Hyperostosis, ankylosing
- Roth, See Meralgia paresthetica
- rubella (congenital) P35.0
- Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith E71.440
- Rytand-Lipsitch I44.2
- salt
- salt-losing N28.89
- SATB2-associated Q87.89
- Scaglietti-Dagnini E22.0
- scalenus anticus (anterior) G54.0
- scapulocostal, See Mononeuropathy, upper limb, specified site NEC
- scapuloperoneal G71.09
- schizophrenic, of childhood NEC F84.5
- Schnitzler D47.2
- Scholte's E34.0
- Schroeder's E27.0
- Schüller-Christian C96.5
- Schwachman's, See Syndrome, Shwachman's
- Schwartz (-Jampel) G71.13
- Schwartz-Bartter E22.2
- scimitar Q26.8
- sclerocystic ovary E28.2
- Seitelberger's G31.89
- septicemic adrenal hemorrhage A39.1
- seroconversion, retroviral (acute) Z21
- serous meningitis G93.2
- severe acute respiratory (SARS) J12.81
- shaken infant T74.4
- shock (traumatic) T79.4
- shock-lung J80
- Shone's - code to specific anomalies
- short
- shoulder-hand, See Algoneurodystrophy
- Shwachman's D70.4
- sicca, See Sicca syndrome
- sick
- sick-euthyroid E07.81
- sideropenic D50.1
- Siemens' ectodermal dysplasia Q82.4
- Silfversköld's Q78.9
- Simons' E88.1
- sinus tarsi M25.57-
- sinusitis-bronchiectasis-situs inversus Q89.3
- Sipple's E31.22
- sirenomelia Q87.2
- Slocumb's E27.0
- slow flow, coronary I20.8
- Sluder's G44.89
- Smith-Magenis Q93.88
- Sneddon-Wilkinson L13.1
- Soto's Q87.3
- South African cardiomyopathy I42.8
- spasmodic
- Spen's I45.9
- splenic
- Spurway's Q78.0
- staphylococcal scalded skin L00
- steal
- Stein-Leventhal E28.2
- Stein's E28.2
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome L51.1
- toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap L51.3
- Stewart-Morel M85.2
- Stickler Q89.8
- stiff baby Q89.8
- stiff man G25.82
- Still-Felty, See Felty's syndrome
- Stokes (-Adams) I45.9
- stone heart I50.1
- straight back, congenital Q76.49
- subclavian steal G45.8
- subcoracoid-pectoralis minor G54.0
- subcostal nerve compression I77.89
- subphrenic interposition Q43.3
- superior
- cerebellar artery I63.89
- mesenteric artery K55.1
- semi-circular canal dehiscence H83.8X-
- vena cava I87.1
- supine hypotensive (maternal), See Syndrome, hypotension, maternal
- suprarenal cortical E27.0
- supraspinatus M75.10-, See also Tear, rotator cuff
- Susac G93.49
- swallowed blood P78.2
- sweat retention L74.0
- Swyer Q99.1
- Symond's G93.2
- sympathetic
- systemic inflammatory response (SIRS), of non-infectious origin (without organ dysfunction) R65.10
- with acute organ dysfunction R65.11
- tachycardia-bradycardia I49.5
- takotsubo I51.81
- TAR (thrombocytopenia with absent radius) Q87.2
- tarsal tunnel G57.5-
- teething K00.7
- tegmental G93.89
- telangiectasic-pigmentation-cataract Q82.8
- temporal pyramidal apex, See Otitis, media, suppurative, acute
- temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction M26.62-
- Terry's H44.2-, See also Myopia, degenerative
- testicular feminization E34.51, See also Syndrome, androgen insensitivity
- thalamic pain (hyperesthetic) G89.0
- thoracic outlet (compression) G54.0
- Thorson-Björck E34.0
- thrombocytopenia with absent radius (TAR) Q87.2
- thyroid-adrenocortical insufficiency E31.0
- tibial
- Tietze's M94.0
- time-zone (rapid) G47.25
- Toni-Fanconi E72.09
- with cystinosis E72.04
- Touraine's Q79.8
- tourniquet, See Constriction, external, by site
- toxic shock A48.3
- transient left ventricular apical ballooning I51.81
- traumatic vasospastic T75.22
- Treacher Collins Q75.4
- triple X, female Q97.0
- trisomy Q92.9
- tropical wet feet T69.0-
- Trousseau's I82.1
- tumor lysis NEC (following antineoplastic chemotherapy) (spontaneous) E88.3
- tumor necrosis factor receptor associated periodic (TRAPS) M04.1
- Twiddler's (due to)
- Unverricht (-Lundborg), See Epilepsy, generalized, idiopathic
- upward gaze H51.8
- uremia, chronic N18.9, See also Disease, kidney, chronic
- urethral N34.3
- urethro-oculo-articular, See Reiter's disease
- urohepatic K76.7
- vago-hypoglossal G52.7
- vascular NEC in cerebrovascular disease G46.8
- vasoconstriction, reversible cerebrovascular I67.841
- vasomotor I73.9
- vasospastic (traumatic) T75.22
- vasovagal R55
- van Buchem's M85.2
- van der Hoeve's Q78.0
- VATER Q87.2
- velo-cardio-facial Q93.81
- vena cava (inferior) (superior) (obstruction) I87.1
- vertebral
- artery G45.0
- compression, See Syndrome, anterior, spinal artery, compression
- steal G45.0
- vertebro-basilar artery G45.0
- vertebrogenic (pain) M54.89
- vertiginous, See Disorder, vestibular function
- Vinson-Plummer D50.1
- virus B34.9
- visceral larva migrans B83.0
- visual disorientation H53.8
- vitamin B6 deficiency E53.1
- vitreal corneal H59.01-
- vitreous (touch) H59.01-
- Vogt-Koyanagi H20.82-
- Volkmann's T79.6
- von Schroetter's I82.890
- von Willebrand (-Jürgen) D68.0
- Waldenström-Kjellberg D50.1
- Wallenberg's G46.3
- water retention E87.79
- Waterhouse (-Friderichsen) A39.1
- Weber-Gubler G46.3
- Weber-Leyden G46.3
- Weber's G46.3
- Wegener's M31.30
- Weingarten's (tropical eosinophilia) J82.89
- Weiss-Baker G90.09
- Werdnig-Hoffman G12.0
- Wermer's E31.21
- Werner's E34.8
- Wernicke-Korsakoff (nonalcoholic) F04
- alcoholic F10.26
- West's, See Epilepsy, spasms
- Westphal-Strümpell E83.01
- wet
- whiplash S13.4
- whistling face Q87.0
- Wilkie's K55.1
- Wilkinson-Sneddon L13.1
- Williams Q93.82
- Willebrand (-Jürgens) D68.0
- Wilson's (hepatolenticular degeneration) E83.01
- Wiskott-Aldrich D82.0
- withdrawal, See Withdrawal, state
- Woakes' (ethmoiditis) J33.1
- Wright's (hyperabduction) G54.0
- X I20.9
- XXXX Q97.1
- XXXXX Q97.1
- XXXXY Q98.1
- XXY Q98.0
- Yao M04.8
- yellow nail L60.5
- Zahorsky's B08.5
- Zellweger syndrome E71.510
- Zellweger-like syndrome E71.541