ICD 10 CM Index: Problem (with) (related to)
Problem (with) (related to)
- academic Z55.8
- acculturation Z60.3
- adjustment (to)
- adopted child Z62.821
- alcoholism in family Z63.72
- atypical parenting situation Z62.9
- bankruptcy Z59.8
- behavioral (adult) F69
- drug seeking Z76.5
- birth of sibling affecting child Z62.898
- care (of)
- child
- abuse (affecting the child), See Maltreatment, child
- custody or support proceedings Z65.3
- in welfare custody Z62.21
- in care of non-parental family member Z62.21
- in foster care Z62.21
- living in orphanage or group home Z62.22
- child-rearing Z62.9
- specified NEC Z62.898
- communication (developmental) F80.9
- conflict or discord (with)
- boss Z56.4
- classmates Z55.4
- counselor Z64.4
- employer Z56.4
- family Z63.9
- specified NEC Z63.8
- probation officer Z64.4
- social worker Z64.4
- teachers Z55.4
- workmates Z56.4
- conviction in legal proceedings Z65.0
- with imprisonment Z65.1
- counselor Z64.4
- creditors Z59.8
- digestive K92.9
- drug addict in family Z63.72
- ear, See Disorder, ear
- economic Z59.9
- education Z55.9
- specified NEC Z55.8
- employment Z56.9
- change of job Z56.1
- discord Z56.4
- environment Z56.5
- sexual harassment Z56.81
- specified NEC Z56.89
- stress NEC Z56.6
- stressful schedule Z56.3
- threat of job loss Z56.2
- unemployment Z56.0
- enuresis, child F98.0
- eye H57.9
- failed examinations (school) Z55.2
- falling Z91.81
- family Z63.9-, See also Disruption, family
- specified NEC Z63.8
- feeding (elderly) (infant) R63.3
- finance Z59.9
- specified NEC Z59.8
- foreclosure on loan Z59.8
- foster child Z62.822
- frightening experience in childhood (s) Z62.898
- genital NEC
- health care Z75.9
- specified NEC Z75.8
- hearing, See Deafness
- homelessness Z59.0
- housing Z59.9
- identity (of childhood) F93.8
- illegitimate pregnancy (unwanted) Z64.0
- illiteracy Z55.0
- impaired mobility Z74.09
- imprisonment or incarceration Z65.1
- inadequate teaching affecting education Z55.8
- inappropriate parental pressure (excessive) Z62.6
- influencing health status NEC Z78.9
- in-law Z63.1
- institutionalization, affecting child Z62.22
- intrafamilial communication Z63.8
- jealousy, child F93.8
- landlord Z59.2
- language (developmental) F80.9
- learning (developmental) F81.9
- legal Z65.3
- life-management Z73.9
- specified NEC Z73.89
- life-style Z72.9
- gambling Z72.6
- high-risk sexual behavior (heterosexual) Z72.51
- inappropriate eating habits Z72.4
- self-damaging behavior NEC Z72.89
- specified NEC Z72.89
- tobacco use Z72.0
- literacy Z55.9
- living alone Z60.2
- lodgers Z59.2
- loss of love relationship in childhood Z62.898
- marital Z63.0
- mastication K08.89
- medical
- mental F48.9
- multiparity Z64.1
- negative life events in childhood Z62.9
- altered pattern of family relationships Z62.898
- frightening experience Z62.898
- loss of
- physical abuse (alleged), See Maltreatment, child
- removal from home Z62.29
- specified event NEC Z62.898
- neighbor Z59.2
- neurological NEC R29.818
- new step-parent affecting child Z62.898
- none (feared complaint unfounded) Z71.1
- occupational NEC Z56.89
- parent-child, See Conflict, parent-child
- personal hygiene Z91.89
- personality F69
- phase-of-life transition, adjustment Z60.0
- presence of sick or disabled person in family or household Z63.79
- needing care Z63.6
- primary support group (family) Z63.9
- specified NEC Z63.8
- probation officer Z64.4
- psychiatric F99
- psychosexual (development) F66
- psychosocial Z65.9
- relationship Z63.9
- childhood F93.8
- release from prison Z65.2
- religious or spiritual Z65.8
- removal from home affecting child Z62.29
- seeking and accepting known hazardous and harmful
- behavioral or psychological interventions Z65.8
- chemical, nutritional or physical interventions Z65.8
- sexual function (nonorganic) F52.9
- sight H54.7
- sleep disorder, child F51.9
- smell, See Disturbance, sensation, smell
- social
- speech R47.9
- swallowing, See Dysphagia
- taste, See Disturbance, sensation, taste
- tic, child F95.0
- underachievement in school Z55.3
- unemployment Z56.0
- threatened Z56.2
- unwanted pregnancy Z64.0
- upbringing Z62.9
- specified NEC Z62.898
- urinary N39.9
- voice production R47.89
- work schedule (stressful) Z56.3