ICD 10 CM Index: Disruption (of)
Disruption (of)
- ciliary body NEC H21.89
- closure of
- cornea T81.31
- craniotomy T81.32
- fascia (muscular) (superficial) T81.32
- internal organ or tissue T81.32
- laceration (external) (internal) T81.33
- ligament T81.32
- mucosa T81.31
- muscle or muscle flap T81.32
- ribs or rib cage T81.32
- skin and subcutaneous tissue (full-thickness) (superficial) T81.31
- skull T81.32
- sternum (sternotomy) T81.32
- tendon T81.32
- traumatic laceration (external) (internal) T81.33
- family Z63.8
- due to
- absence of family member due to military deployment Z63.31
- absence of family member NEC Z63.32
- alcoholism and drug addiction in family Z63.72
- bereavement Z63.4
- death or disappearance of family member (assumed) Z63.4
- divorce or separation Z63.5
- drug addiction in family Z63.72
- return of family member from military deployment (current or past conflict) Z63.71
- stressful life events NEC Z63.79
- iris NEC H21.89
- ligament (s), See also Sprain
- knee
- current injury, See Dislocation, knee
- old (chronic), See Derangement, knee, ligament, instability, chronic
- spontaneous NEC, See Derangement, knee, disruption ligament
- ossicular chain, See Discontinuity, ossicles, ear
- pelvic ring (stable) S32.810
- unstable S32.811
- wound T81.30
- traumatic injury wound repair T81.33