ICD 10 CM Index: Newborn (infant) (liveborn) (singleton)
Newborn (infant) (liveborn) (singleton)
ICD 10 Code is Z38.2.
- acne L70.4
- abstinence syndrome P96.1
- affected by
- abnormalities of membranes P02.9
- specified NEC P02.8
- abruptio placenta P02.1
- amino-acid metabolic disorder, transitory P74.8
- amniocentesis (while in utero) P00.6
- amnionitis P02.78
- apparent life threatening event (ALTE) R68.13
- bleeding (into)
- breech delivery P03.0
- cardiac arrest P29.81
- cardiomyopathy I42.8
- congenital I42.4
- cerebral ischemia P91.0
- Cesarean delivery P03.4
- chemotherapy agents P04.11
- chorioamnionitis P02.78
- cocaine (crack) P04.41
- complications of labor and delivery P03.9
- specified NEC P03.89
- compression of umbilical cord NEC P02.5
- contracted pelvis P03.1
- cyanosis P28.2
- delivery P03.9
- drugs of addiction P04.40
- environmental chemicals P04.6
- entanglement in umbilical cord (knot) P02.5
- fetal (intrauterine)
- FIRS (fetal inflammatory response syndrome) P02.70
- forceps delivery P03.2
- heart rate abnormalities
- hemorrhage (antepartum) P02.1
- hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy [HIE] P91.60
- induction of labor P03.89
- intestinal perforation P78.0
- intrauterine blood loss (fetal) P50.9
- intrauterine hemorrhage (fetal) P50.9
- intrauterine procedure (in utero) P96.5
- malpresentation NEC (malposition) P03.1
- maternal (complication of) (use of)
- alcohol P04.3
- amphetamines P04.16
- analgesia (maternal) P04.0
- anesthesia (maternal) P04.0
- anticonvulsants P04.13
- antidepressants P04.15
- antineoplastic chemotherapy P04.11
- anxiolytics P04.1A
- blood loss P02.1
- cannabis P04.81
- circulatory disease P00.3
- condition P00.9
- specified NEC P00.89
- cytotoxic drugs P04.12
- delivery P03.9
- diabetes mellitus (pre-existing) P70.1
- disorder P00.9
- specified NEC P00.89
- drugs NEC (addictive) (illegal) P04.49
- ectopic pregnancy P01.4
- gestational diabetes P70.0
- hemorrhage P02.1
- hypertensive disorder P00.0
- incompetent cervix P01.0
- infectious disease P00.2
- injury P00.5
- labor and delivery P03.9
- malpresentation before labor P01.7
- maternal death P01.6
- medical procedure P00.7
- medication P04.19
- specified type NEC P04.18
- multiple pregnancy P01.5
- nutritional disorder P00.4
- oligohydramnios P01.2
- opiates P04.14
- administered for procedures during pregnancy or labor and delivery P04.0
- parasitic disease P00.2
- periodontal disease P00.81
- placenta previa P02.0
- polyhydramnios P01.3
- precipitate delivery P03.5
- pregnancy P01.9
- specified P01.8
- premature rupture of membranes P01.1
- renal disease P00.1
- respiratory disease P00.3
- sedative-hypnotics P04.17
- surgical procedure P00.6
- tranquilizers administered for procedures during pregnancy or labor and delivery P04.0
- urinary tract disease P00.1
- uterine contraction (abnormal) P03.6
- meconium peritonitis P78.0
- medication (legal) (maternal use) (prescribed) P04.19
- membrane abnormalities P02.9
- specified NEC P02.8
- membranitis P02.78
- methamphetamine (s) P04.49
- mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis P84
- neonatal abstinence syndrome P96.1
- noxious substances transmitted via placenta or breast milk P04.9
- nutritional supplements P04.5
- placenta previa P02.0
- placental
- placentitis P02.78
- precipitate delivery P03.5
- prolapsed cord P02.4
- respiratory arrest P28.81
- slow intrauterine growth P05.9
- tobacco P04.2
- twin to twin transplacental transfusion P02.3
- umbilical cord around neck (tightly) P02.5
- umbilical cord condition P02.60
- uterine contractions (abnormal) P03.6
- vasa previa P02.69
- from intrauterine blood loss P50.0
- apnea P28.4
- born in hospital Z38.00
- by cesarean Z38.01
- born outside hospital Z38.1
- breast buds P96.89
- breast engorgement P83.4
- check-up, See Newborn, examination
- convulsion P90
- dehydration P74.1
- examination
- fever P81.9
- environmentally-induced P81.0
- hyperbilirubinemia P59.9
- of prematurity P59.0
- hypernatremia P74.21
- hyponatremia P74.22
- infection P39.9
- jaundice P59.9
- late metabolic acidosis P74.0
- mastitis P39.0
- multiple born NEC Z38.8
- omphalitis P38.9
- post-term P08.21
- prolonged gestation (over 42 completed weeks) P08.22
- quadruplet Z38.8
- quintuplet Z38.8
- seizure P90
- sepsis (congenital) P36.9
- due to
- specified NEC P36.8
- triplet Z38.8
- twin Z38.5
- vomiting P92.09
- bilious P92.01
- weight check Z00.111