ICD 10 CM Index: Dermatitis (eczematous)
Dermatitis (eczematous)
ICD 10 Code is L30.9.
- ab igne L59.0
- acarine B88.0
- actinic (due to sun) L57.8
- other than from sun L59.8
- allergic, See Dermatitis, contact, allergic
- ambustionis, due to burn or scald, See Burn
- amebic A06.7
- ammonia L22
- arsenical (ingested) L27.8
- artefacta L98.1
- psychogenic F54
- atopic L20.9
- autoimmune progesterone L30.8
- berlock, berloque L56.2
- blastomycotic B40.3
- blister beetle L24.89
- bullous, bullosa L13.9
- calorica L59.0
- due to burn or scald, See Burn
- caterpillar L24.89
- cercarial B65.3
- combustionis L59.0
- due to burn or scald, See Burn
- congelationis T69.1
- contact (occupational) L25.9
- allergic L23.9
- due to
- adhesives L23.1
- cement L23.5
- chemical products NEC L23.5
- chromium L23.0
- cosmetics L23.2
- dander (cat) (dog) L23.81
- drugs in contact with skin L23.3
- dyes L23.4
- food in contact with skin L23.6
- hair (cat) (dog) L23.81
- insecticide L23.5
- metals L23.0
- nickel L23.0
- plants, non-food L23.7
- plastic L23.5
- rubber L23.5
- specified agent NEC L23.89
- due to
- due to
- irritant L24.9
- contusiformis L52
- diabetic, See E08-E13 with .620
- diaper L22
- diphtheritica A36.3
- dry skin L85.3
- due to
- acetone (contact) (irritant) L24.2
- acids (contact) (irritant) L24.5
- adhesive (s) (allergic) (contact) (plaster) L23.1
- irritant L24.5
- alcohol (irritant) (skin contact) (substances in category T51) L24.2
- taken internally L27.8
- alkalis (contact) (irritant) L24.5
- arsenic (ingested) L27.8
- carbon disulfide (contact) (irritant) L24.2
- caustics (contact) (irritant) L24.5
- cement (contact) L25.3
- cereal (ingested) L27.2
- chemical NEC (s) L25.3
- taken internally L27.8
- chlorocompounds L24.2
- chromium (contact) (irritant) L24.81
- coffee (ingested) L27.2
- cold weather L30.8
- cosmetics (contact) L25.0
- cyclohexanes L24.2
- dander (cat) (dog) L23.81
- Demodex species B88.0
- Dermanyssus gallinae B88.0
- detergents (contact) (irritant) L24.0
- dichromate L24.81
- drugs and medicaments (generalized) (internal use) L27.0
- external, See Dermatitis, due to, drugs, in contact with skin
- in contact with skin L25.1
- localized skin eruption L27.1
- specified substance, See Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- dyes (contact) L25.2
- epidermophytosis, See Dermatophytosis
- esters L24.2
- external irritant NEC L24.9
- fish (ingested) L27.2
- flour (ingested) L27.2
- food (ingested) L27.2
- in contact with skin L25.4
- fruit (ingested) L27.2
- furs (allergic) (contact) L23.81
- glues, See Dermatitis, due to, adhesives
- glycols L24.2
- greases NEC (contact) (irritant) L24.1
- hair (cat) (dog) L23.81
- hot
- hydrocarbons L24.2
- infrared rays L59.8
- ingestion, ingested substance L27.9
- chemical NEC L27.8
- drugs and medicaments, See Dermatitis, due to, drugs
- food L27.2
- specified NEC L27.8
- insecticide in contact with skin L24.5
- internal agent L27.9
- drugs and medicaments (generalized), See Dermatitis, due to, drugs
- food L27.2
- irradiation, See Dermatitis, due to, radioactive substance
- ketones L24.2
- lacquer tree (allergic) (contact) L23.7
- light NEC (sun) L57.8
- Liponyssoides sanguineus B88.0
- low temperature L30.8
- meat (ingested) L27.2
- metals, metal salts (contact) (irritant) L24.81
- milk (ingested) L27.2
- nickel (contact) (irritant) L24.81
- nylon (contact) (irritant) L24.5
- oils NEC (contact) (irritant) L24.1
- paint solvent (contact) (irritant) L24.2
- petroleum products (contact) (irritant) (substances in T52.0) L24.2
- plants NEC (contact) L25.5
- plasters (adhesive) (any) (allergic) (contact) L23.1
- irritant L24.5
- plastic (contact) L25.3
- preservatives (contact), See Dermatitis, due to, chemical, in contact with skin
- primrose (allergic) (contact) L23.7
- primula (allergic) (contact) L23.7
- radiation L59.8
- radioactive substance L58.9
- radium L58.9
- ragweed (allergic) (contact) L23.7
- Rhus (allergic) (contact) (diversiloba) (radicans) (toxicodendron) (venenata) (verniciflua) L23.7
- rubber (contact) L24.5
- Senecio jacobaea (allergic) (contact) L23.7
- solvents (contact) (irritant) (substances in categories T52) L24.2
- specified agent NEC (contact) L25.8
- sunshine NEC L57.8
- acute L56.8
- tetrachlorethylene (contact) (irritant) L24.2
- toluene (contact) (irritant) L24.2
- turpentine (contact) L24.2
- ultraviolet rays (sun NEC) (chronic exposure) L57.8
- acute L56.8
- vaccine or vaccination L27.0
- specified substance, See Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- varicose veins, See Varix, leg, with, inflammation
- X-rays L58.9
- dyshydrotic L30.1
- dysmenorrheica N94.6
- desquamative L30.8
- escharotica, See Burn
- exfoliative, exfoliativa (generalized) L26
- neonatorum L00
- eyelid, See also Dermatosis, eyelid
- allergic H01.119
- contact, See Dermatitis, eyelid, allergic
- due to
- eczematous H01.139
- facta, factitia, factitial L98.1
- psychogenic F54
- flexural NEC L20.82
- friction L30.4
- fungus B36.9
- specified type NEC B36.8
- gangrenosa, gangrenous infantum L08.0
- harvest mite B88.0
- heat L59.0
- herpesviral, vesicular (ear) (lip) B00.1
- herpetiformis (bullous) (erythematous) (pustular) (vesicular) L13.0
- hiemalis L30.8
- hypostatic, hypostatica, See Varix, leg, with, inflammation
- infectious eczematoid L30.3
- infective L30.3
- irritant, See Dermatitis, contact, irritant
- Jacquet's (diaper dermatitis) L22
- Leptus B88.0
- lichenified NEC L28.0
- medicamentosa (generalized) (internal use), See Dermatitis, due to drugs
- mite B88.0
- multiformis L13.0
- juvenile L12.2
- napkin L22
- neurotica L13.0
- nummular L30.0
- papillaris capillitii L73.0
- pellagrous E52
- perioral L71.0
- photocontact L56.2
- polymorpha dolorosa L13.0
- pruriginosa L13.0
- pruritic NEC L30.8
- psychogenic F54
- purulent L08.0
- pustular
- pyococcal L08.0
- pyogenica L08.0
- repens L40.2
- Ritter's (exfoliativa) L00
- Schamberg's L81.7
- schistosome B65.3
- seasonal bullous L30.8
- seborrheic L21.9
- sensitization NOS L23.9
- septic L08.0
- solare L57.8
- specified NEC L30.8
- stasis I87.2
- with
- varicose ulcer, See Varix, leg, with ulcer, with inflammation
- varicose veins, See Varix, leg, with, inflammation
- due to postthrombotic syndrome, See Syndrome, postthrombotic
- suppurative L08.0
- traumatic NEC L30.4
- trophoneurotica L13.0
- ultraviolet (sun) (chronic exposure) L57.8
- acute L56.8
- varicose, See Varix, leg, with, inflammation
- vegetans L10.1
- verrucosa B43.0
- vesicular, herpesviral B00.1