ICD 10 CM Index: Delivery (childbirth) (labor)
Delivery (childbirth) (labor)
- arrested active phase O62.1
- cesarean (for)
- abnormal
- abruptio placentae O45.9-, See also Abruptio placentae
- acromion presentation O32.2
- atony, uterus O62.2
- breech presentation O32.1
- incomplete O32.8
- brow presentation O32.3
- cephalopelvic disproportion O33.9
- cerclage O34.3-
- chin presentation O32.3
- cicatrix of cervix O34.4-
- contracted pelvis (general)
- cord presentation or prolapse O69.0
- cystocele O34.8-
- deformity (acquired) (congenital)
- disproportion NOS O33.9
- eclampsia, See Eclampsia
- face presentation O32.3
- failed
- fetal-maternal hemorrhage O43.01-
- hemorrhage (intrapartum) O67.9
- high head at term O32.4
- hydrocephalic fetus O33.6
- incarceration of uterus O34.51-
- incoordinate uterine action O62.4
- increased size, fetus O33.5
- inertia, uterus O62.2
- isthmocele O34.22
- lateroversion, uterus O34.59-
- mal lie O32.9
- malposition
- malpresentation NOS O32.9
- oblique presentation O32.2
- occurring after 37 completed weeks of gestation but before 39 completed weeks gestation due to onset of labor (spontaneous) O75.82
- oversize fetus O33.5
- pelvic tumor NEC O34.8-
- placenta previa O44.0-
- placental insufficiency O36.51-
- planned, occurring after 37 completed weeks of gestation but before 39 completed weeks gestation due to onset of labor (spontaneous) O75.82
- polyp, cervix O34.4-
- causing obstructed labor O65.5
- poor dilatation, cervix O62.0
- pre-eclampsia O14.94
- previous
- prolapse
- prolonged labor NOS O63.9
- rectocele O34.8-
- retroversion
- uterus O34.53-
- rigid
- sacculation, pregnant uterus O34.59-
- scar (s)
- Shirodkar suture in situ O34.3-
- shoulder presentation O32.2
- stenosis or stricture, cervix O34.4-
- streptococcus group B carrier state (GBS) O99.824
- transmural uterine scar O34.29
- transverse presentation or lie O32.2
- tumor, pelvic organs or tissues NEC O34.8-
- cervix O34.4-
- umbilical cord presentation or prolapse O69.0
- without indication O82
- completely normal case O80
- complicated O75.9
- by
- abnormal, abnormality (of)
- abruptio placentae O45.9-, See also Abruptio placentae
- abuse
- adherent placenta O72.0
- without hemorrhage O73.0
- alcohol use O99.314
- anemia (pre-existing) O99.02
- anesthetic death O74.8
- annular detachment of cervix O71.3
- atony, uterus O62.2
- attempted vacuum extraction and forceps O66.5
- Bandl's ring O62.4
- bariatric surgery status O99.844
- biliary tract disorder O26.62
- bleeding, See Delivery, complicated by, hemorrhage
- blood disorder NEC O99.12
- cervical dystocia (hypotonic) O62.2
- circulatory system disorder O99.42
- compression of cord NEC (umbilical) O69.2
- condition NEC O99.892
- contraction, contracted ring O62.4
- cord (umbilical)
- Couvelaire uterus O45.8X-
- damage to NEC (injury to)
- delay following rupture of membranes (spontaneous), See Pregnancy, complicated by, premature rupture of membranes
- depressed fetal heart tones O76
- diabetes O24.92
- diastasis recti (abdominis) O71.89
- dilatation
- disease NEC O99.892
- disruptio uteri, See Delivery, complicated by, rupture, uterus
- drug use O99.324
- dysfunction, uterus NOS O62.9
- eclampsia O15.1
- embolism (pulmonary), See Embolism, obstetric
- endocrine, nutritional or metabolic disease NEC O99.284
- failed
- female genital mutilation O65.5
- fetal
- fever during labor O75.2
- gastric banding status O99.844
- gastric bypass status O99.844
- gastrointestinal disease NEC O99.62
- gestational
- gonorrhea O98.22
- hematoma O71.7
- hemorrhage (uterine) O67.9
- hourglass contraction, uterus O62.4
- hypertension, hypertensive (pre-existing), See Hypertension, complicated by, childbirth (labor)
- hypotension O26.5-
- incomplete dilatation (cervix) O62.0
- incoordinate uterus contractions O62.4
- inertia, uterus O62.2
- infection (maternal) O98.92
- injury (to mother) O71.9, See also Delivery, complicated, by, damage to
- nonobstetric O9A.22
- caused by abuse, See Delivery, complicated by, abuse
- nonobstetric O9A.22
- intrauterine fetal death, early O02.1
- inversion, uterus O71.2
- laceration (perineal) O70.9
- anus (sphincter) O70.4
- with third degree laceration O70.20, See also Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, perineum, third degree
- with mucosa O70.3
- without third degree laceration O70.4
- with third degree laceration O70.20, See also Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, perineum, third degree
- bladder (urinary) O71.5
- bowel O71.5
- cervix (uteri) O71.3
- fourchette O70.0
- hymen O70.0
- labia O70.0
- pelvic
- perineum, perineal O70.9
- peritoneum (pelvic) O71.5
- rectovaginal (septum) (without perineal laceration) O71.4
- with perineum O70.20, See also Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, perineum, third degree
- with anal or rectal mucosa O70.3
- with perineum O70.20, See also Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, perineum, third degree
- specified NEC O71.89
- sphincter ani, See Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, anus (sphincter)
- urethra O71.5
- uterus O71.81
- before labor O71.81
- vagina, vaginal (deep) (high) (without perineal laceration) O71.4
- vulva O70.0
- anus (sphincter) O70.4
- liver disorder O26.62
- malignancy O9A.12
- malnutrition O25.2
- malposition, malpresentation
- meconium in amniotic fluid O77.0
- mental disorder NEC O99.344
- metrorrhexis, See Delivery, complicated by, rupture, uterus
- nervous system disorder O99.354
- obesity (pre-existing) O99.214
- obesity surgery status O99.844
- obstetric trauma O71.9
- specified NEC O71.89
- obstructed labor
- due to
- breech presentation (complete) (frank) O64.1
- incomplete O64.8
- brow presentation O64.3
- buttock presentation O64.1
- chin presentation O64.2
- compound presentation O64.5
- contracted pelvis O65.1
- deep transverse arrest O64.0
- deformed pelvis O65.0
- dystocia (fetal) O66.9
- face presentation O64.2
- fetopelvic disproportion O65.4
- footling presentation O64.8
- impacted shoulders O66.0
- incomplete rotation of fetal head O64.0
- large fetus O66.2
- locked twins O66.1
- malposition O64.9
- specified NEC O64.8
- malpresentation O64.9
- specified NEC O64.8
- multiple fetuses NEC O66.6
- pelvic
- persistent (position)
- prolapsed arm O64.4
- shoulder presentation O64.4
- breech presentation (complete) (frank) O64.1
- specified NEC O66.8
- due to
- pathological retraction ring, uterus O62.4
- penetration, pregnant uterus by instrument O71.1
- perforation, See Delivery, complicated by, laceration
- placenta, placental
- ablatio O45.9-, See also Abruptio placentae
- abnormality O43.9-
- specified NEC O43.89-
- abruptio O45.9-, See also Abruptio placentae
- accreta O43.21-
- adherent (with hemorrhage) O72.0
- without hemorrhage O73.0
- detachment (premature) O45.9-, See also Abruptio placentae
- disorder O43.9-
- specified NEC O43.89-
- hemorrhage NEC O67.8
- increta O43.22-
- low (implantation) (lying) O44.4-
- with hemorrhage O44.5-
- malformation O43.10-
- malposition O44.0-
- without hemorrhage O44.1-
- percreta O43.23-
- previa (central) (complete) (lateral) (total) O44.0-
- retained (with hemorrhage) O72.0
- without hemorrhage O73.0
- separation (premature) O45.9-
- specified NEC O45.8X-
- vicious insertion O44.1-
- precipitate labor O62.3
- premature rupture, membranes O42.90, See also Pregnancy, complicated by, premature rupture of membranes
- prolapse
- prolonged labor O63.9
- protozoal disease (maternal) O98.62
- respiratory disease NEC O99.52
- retained membranes or portions of placenta O72.2
- without hemorrhage O73.1
- retarded birth O63.9
- retention of secundines (with hemorrhage) O72.0
- rupture
- separation, pubic bone (symphysis pubis) O71.6
- shock O75.1
- shoulder presentation O64.4
- skin disorder NEC O99.72
- spasm, cervix O62.4
- stenosis or stricture, cervix O65.5
- streptococcus group B carrier state (GBS) O99.824
- subluxation of symphysis (pubis) O26.72
- syphilis (maternal) O98.12
- tear, See Delivery, complicated by, laceration
- tetanic uterus O62.4
- trauma (obstetrical) O71.9, See also Delivery, complicated, by, damage to
- tuberculosis (maternal) O98.02
- tumor, pelvic organs or tissues NEC O65.5
- umbilical cord around neck
- uterine inertia O62.2
- vasa previa O69.4
- velamentous insertion of cord O43.12-
- specified complication NEC O75.89
- delayed NOS O63.9
- forceps, low following failed vacuum extraction O66.5
- missed (at or near term) O36.4
- normal O80
- obstructed, See Delivery, complicated by, obstructed labor
- precipitate O62.3
- preterm O60.10, See also Pregnancy, complicated by, preterm labor
- spontaneous O80
- term pregnancy NOS O80
- uncomplicated O80
- vaginal, following previous cesarean delivery O34.219