The Body Part Heart is identified by letter "A" and occupies the 4th position in the ICD10-PCS procedure code structure.
Below a selection of ICD 10 PCS codes related to 02PA
Removal of Zooplastic Tissue from Heart, Perc Approach
Removal of Synthetic Substitute from Heart, Perc Approach
Removal of Cardiac Lead from Heart, Open Approach
Removal of Intracardiac Pacemaker from Heart, Perc Approach
Removal of Intraluminal Device from Heart, External Approach
Removal of Other Device from Heart, Percutaneous Approach
Removal of Autol Sub from Heart, Open Approach
Removal of Nonaut Sub from Heart, Open Approach
Removal of Zooplastic Tissue from Heart, Open Approach
Removal of Bivent Ext Heart Assist from Heart, Open Approach
Removal of Ext Heart Assist from Heart, Perc Endo Approach
Removal of Implant Heart Assist from Heart, Perc Approach
Removal of Nonaut Sub from Heart, Perc Endo Approach
Remove Bivent Ext Heart Assist from Heart, Perc Endo
Removal of Intralum Dev from Heart, Perc Endo Approach