The Type Qualifier Wound Management is identified by number "5" and occupies the 5th position in the ICD10-PCS procedure code structure.
Below a selection of ICD 10 PCS codes related to F08D5
Wound Mgmt Treatment of Integu Head, Neck using Prosthesis
Wound Mgmt Trmt Integu Head, Neck w Assist Equip
Wound Mgmt Trmt Integu Head, Neck w Electrotherap Equip
Wound Mgmt Treatment of Integu Head, Neck using Oth Equip
Wound Management Treatment of Integu Head, Neck
Wound Mgmt Treatment of Integu Head, Neck using Orthosis
Wound Mgmt Trmt Integu Head, Neck w Mech Equip
Wound Mgmt Trmt Integu Head, Neck w Physical Agent