The Type Qualifier Aural Rehabilitation is identified by number "5" and occupies the 5th position in the ICD10-PCS procedure code structure.
Below a selection of ICD 10 PCS codes related to F06Z5
Nonspoken Language Treatment using Computer
Aural Rehab Treatment using Voice Analysis Equipment
Comm/Cognit Skill Treatment using Computer
Aural Rehabilitation Treatment using Assist Listen Equipment
Aphasia Treatment
Fluency Treatment using Voice Analysis Equipment
Articulation/Phonology Treatment using Other Equipment
Fluency Treatment using Speech Analysis Equipment
Swallowing Dysfunction Treatment
Fluency Treatment using Aerodynamic Function Equipment
Nonspoken Language Treatment using Audiovisual Equipment
Receptive/Expressive Language Treatment
Receptive/Expressive Language Treatment using AV Equipment
Receptive/Express Lang Trmt w Assist Listen Equip
Aphasia Treatment using Other Equipment