ICD10-PCS: Operation 0 - Introduction
3 E 0 - - - -
Build your code
Build your code
Select Body System or Region
- 0 - Skin and Mucous Membranes
- 1 - Subcutaneous Tissue
- 2 - Muscle
- 3 - Peripheral Vein
- 4 - Central Vein
- 5 - Peripheral Artery
- 6 - Central Artery
- 7 - Coronary Artery
- 8 - Heart
- 9 - Nose
- A - Bone Marrow
- B - Ear
- C - Eye
- D - Mouth and Pharynx
- E - Products of Conception
- G - Upper GI
- H - Lower GI
- K - Genitourinary Tract
- N - Male Reproductive
- F - Respiratory Tract
- J - Biliary and Pancreatic Tract
- L - Pleural Cavity
- M - Peritoneal Cavity
- P - Female Reproductive
- Q - Cranial Cavity and Brain
- R - Spinal Canal
- S - Epidural Space
- T - Peripheral Nerves and Plexi
- X - Cranial Nerves
- U - Joints
- V - Bones
- W - Lymphatics
- Y - Pericardial Cavity
Codes related to 3E0
Below a selection of ICD 10 PCS codes related to 3E0