The Device Synthetic Substitute is identified by letter "J" and occupies the 6th position in the ICD10-PCS procedure code structure.
Below a selection of ICD 10 PCS codes related to 041L0J
Bypass Left Femoral Artery to Low Ex Art, Perc Endo Approach
Bypass L Fem Art to R Femor A with Autol Vn, Open Approach
Bypass L Fem Art to L Femor A with Nonaut Sub, Open Approach
Bypass L Fem Art to Foot Art w Synth Sub, Perc Endo
Bypass L Fem Art to Low Ex Art w Nonaut Sub, Perc Endo
Bypass Left Femoral Artery to B Femor A, Open Approach
Bypass L Fem Art to Low Ex Vein w Nonaut Sub, Perc Endo
Bypass L Fem Art to Peron Art with Autol Vn, Open Approach
Bypass L Fem Art to L Femor A with Autol Art, Open Approach
Bypass L Fem Art to L Femor A w Autol Vn, Perc Endo
Bypass L Fem Art to Low Ex Vein w Synth Sub, Perc Endo
Bypass L Fem Art to B Femor A with Autol Art, Open Approach
Bypass L Fem Art to Low Ex Vein w Autol Art, Open
Bypass L Fem Art to Low Ex Art with Autol Art, Open Approach
Bypass L Fem Art to Low Ex Art w Nonaut Sub, Open