DRG 538 - List of Diagnostic Related Groups (MS-DRG v38.1)
DRG 538 Sprains, strains, and dislocations of hip, pelvis and thigh without cc/mcc
- S33.4XXA Traumatic rupture of symphysis pubis, initial encounter
- S73.001A Unspecified subluxation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.002A Unspecified subluxation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.003A Unspecified subluxation of unspecified hip, init encntr
- S73.004A Unspecified dislocation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.005A Unspecified dislocation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.006A Unspecified dislocation of unspecified hip, init encntr
- S73.011A Posterior subluxation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.012A Posterior subluxation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.013A Posterior subluxation of unspecified hip, initial encounter
- S73.014A Posterior dislocation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.015A Posterior dislocation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.016A Posterior dislocation of unspecified hip, initial encounter
- S73.021A Obturator subluxation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.022A Obturator subluxation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.023A Obturator subluxation of unspecified hip, initial encounter
- S73.024A Obturator dislocation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.025A Obturator dislocation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.026A Obturator dislocation of unspecified hip, initial encounter
- S73.031A Other anterior subluxation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.032A Other anterior subluxation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.033A Other anterior subluxation of unspecified hip, init encntr
- S73.034A Other anterior dislocation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.035A Other anterior dislocation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.036A Other anterior dislocation of unspecified hip, init encntr
- S73.041A Central subluxation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.042A Central subluxation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.043A Central subluxation of unspecified hip, initial encounter
- S73.044A Central dislocation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.045A Central dislocation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.046A Central dislocation of unspecified hip, initial encounter
- S73.101A Unspecified sprain of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.102A Unspecified sprain of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.109A Unspecified sprain of unspecified hip, initial encounter
- S73.111A Iliofemoral ligament sprain of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.112A Iliofemoral ligament sprain of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.119A Iliofemoral ligament sprain of unspecified hip, init encntr
- S73.121A Ischiocapsular ligament sprain of right hip, init encntr
- S73.122A Ischiocapsular ligament sprain of left hip, init encntr
- S73.129A Ischiocapsular ligament sprain of unsp hip, init encntr
- S73.191A Other sprain of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.192A Other sprain of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.199A Other sprain of unspecified hip, initial encounter
- S76.011A Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon of right hip, init
- S76.012A Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon of left hip, init encntr
- S76.019A Strain of muscle, fascia and tendon of unsp hip, init encntr
- S76.111A Strain of right quadriceps muscle, fascia and tendon, init
- S76.112A Strain of left quadriceps muscle, fascia and tendon, init
- S76.119A Strain of unsp quadriceps muscle, fascia and tendon, init
- S76.211A Strain of adductor musc/fasc/tend right thigh, init
- S76.212A Strain of adductor musc/fasc/tend left thigh, init
- S76.219A Strain of adductor musc/fasc/tend unsp thigh, init
- S76.311A Strain msl/fasc/tnd post grp at thi lev, right thigh, init
- S76.312A Strain of msl/fasc/tnd post grp at thi lev, left thigh, init
- S76.319A Strain of msl/fasc/tnd post grp at thi lev, unsp thigh, init
- S76.811A Strain of musc/fasc/tend at thigh level, right thigh, init
- S76.812A Strain of musc/fasc/tend at thigh level, left thigh, init
- S76.819A Strain of musc/fasc/tend at thigh level, unsp thigh, init
- S76.911A Strain of unsp musc/fasc/tend at thi lev, right thigh, init
- S76.912A Strain of unsp musc/fasc/tend at thi lev, left thigh, init
- S76.919A Strain of unsp musc/fasc/tend at thi lev, unsp thigh, init