ICD 10 CM Index: Schistosomiasis
ICD 10 Code is B65.9.
- with muscle disorder B65.9
- ankle B65.9
- foot B65.9
- forearm B65.9
- hand B65.9
- lower leg B65.9
- multiple sites B65.9
- pelvic region B65.9
- shoulder region B65.9
- specified site NEC B65.9
- thigh B65.9
- upper arm B65.9
- Asiatic B65.2
- bladder B65.0
- chestermani B65.8
- colon B65.1
- cutaneous B65.3
- due to
- Eastern B65.2
- genitourinary tract B65.0
- intestinal B65.1
- lung NEC B65.9
- pneumonia B65.9
- Manson's (intestinal) B65.1
- oriental B65.2
- pulmonary NEC B65.9
- pneumonia B65.9
- Schistosoma
- specified type NEC B65.8
- urinary B65.0
- vesical B65.0