ICD 10 CM Index: Prescription of contraceptives (initial)
Prescription of contraceptives (initial)
ICD 10 Code is Z30.019.
- barrier Z30.018
- diaphragm Z30.018
- emergency (postcoital) Z30.012
- implantable subdermal Z30.017
- injectable Z30.013
- intrauterine contraceptive device Z30.014
- pills Z30.011
- postcoital (emergency) Z30.012
- repeat Z30.40
- barrier Z30.49
- diaphragm Z30.49
- implantable subdermal Z30.46
- injectable Z30.42
- pills Z30.41
- specified type NEC Z30.49
- transdermal patch hormonal Z30.45
- vaginal ring hormonal Z30.44
- specified type NEC Z30.018