ICD 10 CM Index: Insomnia (organic)
Insomnia (organic)
ICD 10 Code is G47.00.
- adjustment F51.02
- adjustment disorder F51.02
- behavioral, of childhood Z73.819
- childhood Z73.819
- chronic F51.04
- somatized tension F51.04
- conditioned F51.04
- due to
- alcohol
- amphetamines
- anxiety disorder F51.05
- caffeine
- cocaine
- depression F51.05
- drug NEC
- medical condition G47.01
- mental disorder NEC F51.05
- opioid
- psychoactive substance NEC
- sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic
- stimulant NEC
- fatal familial (FFI) A81.83
- idiopathic F51.01
- learned F51.3
- nonorganic origin F51.01
- not due to a substance or known physiological condition F51.01
- specified NEC F51.09
- paradoxical F51.03
- primary F51.01
- psychiatric F51.05
- psychophysiologic F51.04
- related to psychopathology F51.05
- short-term F51.02
- specified NEC G47.09
- stress-related F51.02
- transient F51.02
- without objective findings F51.02