ICD 10 CM Index: Incontinence
ICD 10 Code is R32.
- anal sphincter R15.9
- coital N39.491
- feces R15.9
- nonorganic origin F98.1
- insensible (urinary) N39.42
- overflow N39.490
- postural (urinary) N39.492
- psychogenic F45.8
- rectal R15.9
- reflex N39.498
- stress (female) (male) N39.3
- and urge N39.46
- urethral sphincter R32
- urge N39.41
- and stress (female) (male) N39.46
- urine (urinary) R32
- continuous N39.45
- due to cognitive impairment, or severe physical disability or immobility R39.81
- functional R39.81
- insensible N39.42
- mixed (stress and urge) N39.46
- nocturnal N39.44
- nonorganic origin F98.0
- overflow N39.490
- post dribbling N39.43
- postural N39.492
- reflex N39.498
- specified NEC N39.498
- stress (female) (male) N39.3
- and urge N39.46
- total N39.498
- unaware N39.42
- urge N39.41
- and stress (female) (male) N39.46