ICD 10 CM Index: Findings, abnormal, inconclusive, without diagnosis
Findings, abnormal, inconclusive, without diagnosis
- See also: Abnormal
- 17-ketosteroids, elevated R82.5
- acetonuria R82.4
- alcohol in blood R78.0
- anisocytosis R71.8
- antenatal screening of mother O28.9
- biochemical O28.1
- chromosomal O28.5
- cytological O28.2
- genetic O28.5
- hematological O28.0
- radiological O28.4
- specified NEC O28.8
- ultrasonic O28.3
- antibody titer, elevated R76.0
- anticardiolipin antibody R76.0
- antiphosphatidylglycerol antibody R76.0
- antiphosphatidylinositol antibody R76.0
- antiphosphatidylserine antibody R76.0
- antiphospholipid antibody R76.0
- bacteriuria R82.71
- bicarbonate E87.8
- bile in urine R82.2
- blood sugar R73.09
- body fluid or substance, specified NEC R88.8
- casts, urine R82.998
- catecholamines R82.5
- cells, urine R82.998
- chloride E87.8
- cholesterol E78.9
- chyluria R82.0
- cloudy
- creatinine clearance R94.4
- crystals, urine R82.998
- culture
- blood R78.81
- positive, See Positive, culture
- echocardiogram R93.1
- electrolyte level, urinary R82.998
- function study NEC R94.8
- bladder R94.8
- endocrine NEC R94.7
- thyroid R94.6
- kidney R94.4
- liver R94.5
- pancreas R94.8
- placenta R94.8
- pulmonary R94.2
- spleen R94.8
- gallbladder, nonvisualization R93.2
- glucose (tolerance test) (non-fasting) R73.09
- glycosuria R81
- heart
- hematinuria R82.3
- hematocrit drop (precipitous) R71.0
- hemoglobinuria R82.3
- human papillomavirus DNA test positive (HPV)
- in blood (of substance not normally found in blood) R78.9
- addictive drug NEC R78.4
- alcohol (excessive level) R78.0
- cocaine R78.2
- hallucinogen R78.3
- heavy metals (abnormal level) R78.79
- lead R78.71
- lithium (abnormal level) R78.89
- opiate drug R78.1
- psychotropic drug R78.5
- specified substance NEC R78.89
- steroid agent R78.6
- indoleacetic acid, elevated R82.5
- ketonuria R82.4
- lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) R74.02
- liver function test R79.89
- mammogram NEC R92.8
- calcification (calculus) R92.1
- inconclusive result (due to dense breasts) R92.2
- microcalcification R92.0
- mediastinal shift R93.89
- melanin, urine R82.998
- myoglobinuria R82.1
- neonatal screening P09
- nonvisualization of gallbladder R93.2
- odor of urine NOS R82.90
- Papanicolaou cervix R87.619
- non-atypical endometrial cells R87.618
- pneumoencephalogram R93.0
- poikilocytosis R71.8
- potassium (deficiency) E87.6
- excess E87.5
- PPD R76.11
- radiologic (X-ray) R93.89
- abdomen R93.5
- biliary tract R93.2
- breast R92.8
- gastrointestinal tract R93.3
- genitourinary organs R93.89
- head R93.0
- inconclusive due to excess body fat of patient R93.9
- intrathoracic organs NEC R93.1
- musculoskeletal
- placenta R93.89
- retroperitoneum R93.5
- skin R93.89
- skull R93.0
- subcutaneous tissue R93.89
- testis R93.81-
- red blood cell (count) (morphology) (sickling) (volume) R71.8
- scan NEC R94.8
- bladder R94.8
- bone R94.8
- kidney R94.4
- liver R93.2
- lung R94.2
- pancreas R94.8
- placental R94.8
- spleen R94.8
- thyroid R94.6
- sedimentation rate, elevated R70.0
- SGOT R74.01
- SGPT R74.01
- sodium (deficiency) E87.1
- excess E87.0
- specified body fluid NEC R88.8
- stress test R94.39
- thyroid (function) (metabolic rate) (scan) (uptake) R94.6
- transaminase (level) R74.01
- triglycerides E78.9
- tuberculin skin test (without active tuberculosis) R76.11
- urine R82.90
- acetone R82.4
- bacteria R82.71
- bile R82.2
- casts or cells R82.998
- chyle R82.0
- culture positive R82.79
- glucose R81
- hemoglobin R82.3
- ketone R82.4
- sugar R81
- vanillylmandelic acid, elevated (VMA) R82.5
- vectorcardiogram (VCG) R94.39
- ventriculogram R93.0
- white blood cell (count) (differential) (morphology) D72.9
- xerography R92.8