Y36.53 ICD 10 Code is a non-billable and non-specific code and should not be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. There are other codes below it with greater level of diagnosis detail. The 2023 edition of the American ICD-10-CM code became effective on October 1, 2022.

Short description for Y36.53 ICD 10 code:

War op involving thermal radn effect of nuclear weapon

Possible back-references that may be applicable or related to Y36.53 ICD10 Code:

Present On Admission (POA Exempt)

Y36.53 ICD 10 code is considered exempt from POA reporting

Clinical information about Y36.53 ICD 10 code

Radiation is a type of energy. People are exposed to small amounts of radiation every day from sources such as sunlight. A radiation emergency would involve larger amounts of radiation and could be caused by:

  • Dirty bombs - a mix of explosives with radioactive powder
  • Fallout from a nuclear bomb
  • Accidental release from a nuclear reactor or a nuclear weapons plant

A lot of radiation over a short period can cause burns or radiation sickness. If the exposure is large enough, it can cause premature aging or even death.

Although there are no guarantees of safety during a radiation emergency, you can take actions to protect yourself. You should have a disaster plan. Being prepared can help reduce fear, anxiety and losses. If you do experience a disaster, it is normal to feel stressed. You may need help in finding ways to cope.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The information in this box was provided by MedlinePlus.gov